Man's cat unceremoniously joins bubble bath fun in purr-fect fashion!

Bordeaux, France - This probably isn't how the owner or the cat had imagined things would go!

David couldn't help but laugh out loud at the sight of his cat in the bubble bath.
David couldn't help but laugh out loud at the sight of his cat in the bubble bath.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/d8vid19

When David Cunningham recently made himself comfortable in his bathtub – with a few candles burning at the edge of the tub and a calming song playing in the background – he actually thought that he could just relax and enjoy the next few minutes.

But instead of closing his eyes and listening to the peaceful music, he had to devote all his attention to his beloved feline friend, which was quite fascinated by its owner's bubble bath.

In a TikTok video David posted on his account d8vid19, the cheeky cat first balances curiously along the edge of the bathtub and carefully sticks its paw out to feel the soap bubbles.

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However, a few seconds later, the animal finds itself in the water, looks helplessly at David while trying with all its might to keep its head above the surface.

TikTok users smile at the sight of the wet cat

Ashamed, David's cat looks down after taking an unintended dip in a bubble bath!
Ashamed, David's cat looks down after taking an unintended dip in a bubble bath!  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/d8vid19

This unlikely sight is currently making more than 20 million TikTok users laugh.

"Oh my f**king god!" exclaims David before he unceremoniously pulls the cat out of the water and holds it up to the camera.

The wet animal looks rather miserable as the feline then directs its attention to the ground.

It seems TikTok users will probably never know whether the cat was actually mad about falling into the water, or whether it simply resents David for ending its bubble bath fun.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/d8vid19

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