Grumpy cat lights up Tiktok with jealous reaction to her dog rival

This kitty cat's hilarious reaction to her owner petting a dog has TikTok users in tears.

Zoey the cat appears annoyed that her owner is petting the dog.
Zoey the cat appears annoyed that her owner is petting the dog.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/fatcat391

Zoey the cat is internet famous. Her owner posts videos of her on TikTok almost daily.

One of Zoey's latest clips is particularly popular with well over 8 million views.

The funny video opens with the cat lying on the floor in the living room. Her owner is sitting on the couch in the background petting the family dog.

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It almost seems as if Zoey is annoyed that her owner is devoting her attention to another pet. The grumpy kitty apparently turns away in disappointment after looking at the cuddling duo.

"The moment you realize you aren't the favourite child," Zoey's owner writes in the video.

TikTok users sympathize with Zoey the cat

Zoey the cat looks grumpy as the family dog gets all the attention.
Zoey the cat looks grumpy as the family dog gets all the attention.  © Screenshot/TikTok/fatcat391

For many users, the sight of the sad cat is almost unbearable.

Some wrote messages like "D*mn I felt that" and "Why did this break my heart." Some felt a strong desire to console the disappointed feline: "He can be my favorite child."

Some users even demanded that Zoey's owner apologize: "SAY SORRY NOW. HOLD HIM AND TELL HIM HE'S AMAZING."

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In another video, Zoey's reaction becomes even more dramatic. Again, the kitty has to endure the sight of her owner giving affection to her rival. "I can't take it anymore," the caption reads as the cat flops onto her back. "Goodbye."

"Most dramatic faint ever," one user wrote with a laughing emoji.

Users can only hope that Zoey will soon get used to having to share her owner's affection with another animal. If not, there will probably be many more videos in which she will make her displeasure known.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/fatcat391

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