Dancing TikTok cat gets its groove on in the most adorable way!

This little orange cat's owner knows how to make the super sweet fuzzball move to the beat, and her little pet has now become a TikTok sensation!

This little orange cat's owner makes it dance to the delight of millions.
This little orange cat's owner makes it dance to the delight of millions.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/catgivry

Have you ever seen a cat bop to the beat? Then this clip is sure to be a treat!

This incredibly viral video of an orange tabby is wildly funny and has been taking TikTok by storm!

Speaking of funny, the kitty's owner holds the animal on its hind legs and moves it to the slapping tones of Funny Song by Cavendish Music.

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The soundtrack is perfectly complemented by the funky feline, who goes through the masterful motions with a stoic look on its face, making the whole thing all the more hilarious.

TikTokers clearly can't get enough of this content, which has a mind-blowing 90 million views and 14 million likes! Over a hundred thousand users gush over the feline's swing in the comments.

Funky feline dubbed "baby Garfield"

Users have already given the star of the clip a perfect name: "baby Garfield."

Commenters keep gushing over the tabby's groovy moves, which many also getting a real kick out of the cat's obvious puzzlement: "that cat is truly confused and has no idea what is going on."

Can't get enough of this adorable dancing cat? Catgivry's TikTok account is where it's at, and the dancing never stops!

Cover photo: collage: screenshots/ TikTok/catgivry

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