Cat's wild antics while home alone leave owner in shock!

Gainesville, Florida - Greg had been at home with his new cat, Penny, for a week after adopting her from a shelter, and when he left the house to go back to work, the feline shocked him with some unexpected energy!

Cat owner Greg was shocked to his how different his new pet, Penny, behaved when she was left alone for the very first time as he returned to work.
Cat owner Greg was shocked to his how different his new pet, Penny, behaved when she was left alone for the very first time as he returned to work.  © Reddit/Rearrangioing

In the hilarious clip, which was shared on Reddit, the one-and-a-half-year-old cat can be seen running up and down the living room and from one side of the room to the other.

"Since I got her right before July the 4th, I was home on vacation the entire first week I had her," Greg told Newsweek.

"I did, however, have to go back to the office Monday the 8th, essentially leaving her alone for the first time."

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"I couldn't believe the 9-second video that the camera captured. Her first day alone at the house and she wasn't missing me at all. Just zooming around."

Penny's antics are a classic example of frenetic random activity periods (FRAPs) – better known as the zoomies – and these sudden bursts of energy are not uncommon in young cats.

The furry friends often exhibit this behavior to burn off excess energy, usually after long periods of rest. It's also a natural expression of a cat's hunting instinct, in which they mimic the pursuit of prey.

Penny the cat is constantly on the move, but she also needs a break or two every now and then!
Penny the cat is constantly on the move, but she also needs a break or two every now and then!  © Reddit/Rearrangioing

Penny the cat's zoomies are a big hit on social media

Greg's video quickly went viral on social media, garnering over 6,000 likes and more than 130 comments on Reddit.

"She will be all curled up sweetly waiting for you to get home tonight. Or, she will be on top of the fridge waiting to pounce," one user commented.

"Thank you for adopting her from a Shelter. So cool you can monitor her when you are away!" another Reddit user wrote under Greg's post.

Cover photo: Reddit/Rearrangioing

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