Cat who won't stop peeing on everything must be stopped – will they ever catch "the Pee Man"?

Tucson, Arizona - When she heard a cat's meow coming from her garage, a woman went to check it out. What she found there made many internet users laugh!

When she heard a cat's meow coming from her garage, a woman went to check it out. What she found there made many internet users laugh!
When she heard a cat's meow coming from her garage, a woman went to check it out. What she found there made many internet users laugh!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@poetssquarecats

In a viral video that the woman shared on TikTok, a black cat can be seen investigating the garage and her own cat's pet bed.

While she initially found the scene to be cute, she eventually realized what the stray kitty was really doing.

"He was actually just peeing on it," she said in the clip.

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"Since then, this cat has been taunting me by yowling on my roof all night, and peeing on absolutely everything."

Enough was enough – time for an intervention.

After days of trying to catch him, the TikToker successfully nabbed the animal in a special cat trap.

"It took a while, you can see it's dark now, but our cat finally went under that trap, and I got him," she said excitedly.

"I've been calling him the Pee Man – surely we can come up with a better name – but today he's getting neutered."

As the woman later explained, she took the cat to the vet and had him neutered as a precautionary measure. This significantly reduced the animal's territory-marking behavior.

The cat now lives with her and has adapted well to his new (presumably less urine-covered) surroundings!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@poetssquarecats

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