Cat who keeps getting lost in her house becomes TikTok's newest viral sensation
Moving can be stressful, and it was a big step for everyone – but obviously too big for Pooka the cat, who keeps getting lost in her new house.

Christine Scherer, Ethan Scarduzio, and their three cats recently moved from a small apartment into their first house.
But while cats Bagheera and Smokey reportedly feel right at home there, Pooka has a bit of a problem – much to the delight of millions of viewers on TikTok!
A few days ago, the new homeowners landed a viral hit in which the furry friend's dilemma can not only be seen but also heard.
In the video, the owners are measuring a room as Pooka the cat can be heard meowing desperately from another part of the house.
Her owners keep calling for the animal, who is obviously overwhelmed by the size and the many rooms of her new home.
Pooka finally makes it to the right room where she is immediately greeted by her human with some comforting cuddles.
The directionally challenged kitty is so well received by the TikTok audience that the clip has already reached 11.8 million views and counting!
Pooka the cat brightens millions of TikTokers' days!

"She's always been very vocal and likes to make her thoughts known," Christine Scherer told Newsweek.
Moving from a small apartment to a house has been a big adjustment for their whole family, "but it's been an exciting change, and we are so grateful to have this place," Scherer said.
She added that she is delighted with the success of the quirky video: "I appreciate that others find her as funny as we do."
The furry friend has also learned that she is not alone in her experience, as many cats are not exactly keen on change.
"It's also cool to read about other people having similar experiences with their cats," Scherer concluded. "They're such sweet, goofy creatures."
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@twoblackcatsprod