Cat owner is shocked to see his pet on a cliff!

Morley and his girlfriend were stunned when they spotted their disabled cat halfway up a mountain!

This owner couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his cat halfway up a cliff!
This owner couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his cat halfway up a cliff!  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@morleykert

Morley Kert took to TikTok to share his cat's amazing thirst for adventure.

The young Canadian designer and content creator works and lives in a van while traveling across the US.

One day, his pet, a black cat named Penny, suddenly disappeared.

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Morley and his girlfriend went looking for the little furry friend, and they spotted Penny halfway up a huge rock formation.

"Oh my God," Morley explains in the now-viral TikTok video.

It was incredible that Penny made it up the rock face on her own, as this adorable black cat suffers from cerebellar hypoplasia, a genetic malformation of her cerebellum that impairs her balance and coordination.

As her owner says in the clip, her condition makes her "a little wobbly and off balance."

Once Penny realized that Morley and his girlfriend were looking for her, the black cat climbed back down for her high perch. She got rewarded with treats, praise, and plenty of pets!

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TikTokers are all about this cat's gumption. The clip of the disabled cliff-climbing cat boasts over 43 million views!

Commenters agreed with her amazed owners that this special cat is unstoppable, but a few were worried about Penny climbing without her humans due to potential predators in the area.

Thankfully, Penny rides on her human's back in a special backpack most of the time.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@morleykert

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