Why does my cat put his butt in my face?
If you have ever had a cat, you've had a cat's butt in your face – it's just a normal, if strange, behavior. So why does it happen? Why does my cat put his butt in my face, and is there anything I can do about it?

There's something strange in the world of cats, an unusual behavior that leaves countless people stunned and confused when it occurs for the first time.
It's a normal behavior, but something a little bit uncomfortable if you've never encountered it.
What is it? Well, it's that ever-present need for cats to shove their butts into our faces.
What the heck is that all about? Why do cats do that? It's so weird! Let's find out.
Why does my cat put his butt in my face?
The term "buttshake" might seem like a bit of an absurdity, but in the wild and wacky world of cat lovers it's a well-known phenomenon. You see, as capable as your cat is and as adorable as its paws may be, it's hardly going to give you a handshake when greeting you. For those of us who don't have opposable thumbs, we have to settle for something a little more stinky.
This is where we come to the topic of cat butts and uncomfortable faces. Let's just get to the point, shall we? Cats shove their butts in your face as a greeting or just simply because they want to turn around on your lap. It's nothing to really worry about or even research, it's just a normal behavior that seems strange because we humans don't tend to shove our butts in other people's faces.
"This is a cat’s way of greeting you with a hug. It’s a warm greeting, like: ‘Here’s my backside – here’s who I am,’" said Dr. Hawkins to Reader's Digest in an interview. "And they don’t do it with everybody. Cats only do it with their special people."
So to make matters simple, your cat is either shoving its butt in your face because it loves you or because, well, it just happened to happen and there's not really anything to it. There are a few other reasons to point out, of course, but they're not worth going into detail on.
Here are a few other brief reasons why your cat puts its butt in your face:
- Your cat trusts you.
- You have been ignoring your cat, and it wants your attention.
- Love equals buttshakes.
- What says attention more than a butt in the face?
Ultimately, if your cat or a friend's cat keeps shoving its butt in your face it might seem a little bit weird, but it's really nothing to worry about or even think about for that matter.

Risks of your cat putting his butt in your face
There aren't really any dangers associated with cats putting their butts in your face except for the general discomfort and bad smell that can occasionally come with such behaviors. Of course, if your kitty starts rubbing its stuff all over you, you should probably be concerned and take precautions – but that's more a cat poop-based risk than a butt-based risk.
Here are the most common risks associated with buttshaking:
- Cat poop and pee can give you rashes if you are allergic
- Different diseases can be transferred via your cat's butt
- Parasites are a particular risk if your cat's poo gets on you
- It's extremely uncomfortable sometimes
- Your cat's butt can smell sometimes
- It's not particularly pleasant
Don't worry if your cat puts its butt in your face. It's not a big deal and really not something to be worried about. Relax, enjoy the love.
How to stop your cat putting its butt in your face

There's not really any reason to stop your cat, especially considering the fact that it is mostly doing this naturally, and it has nothing to do with anything. Just relax, don't worry about it, and keep things calm. Of course, if your cat's butt is messy, you need to deal with that, but this is a totally different topic.
In the case that your cat's butt is being a real bother, there are a few little things that you can try:
- Don't allow your cat on your lap if you are really bothered by this behavior
- If the issue is a messy bottom, there are a few things that you can do:
- Get some cat wipes and clean its bottom
- Change your cat litter
- Go to the vet and have it checked out
- Use positive reinforcement to disincentivize your cat's butt-putting habits
- Pick it up and put your cat on the ground whenever it does it
Just remember that if you are too heavy-handed with this stuff, you will ruin your relationship with your kitty – and this would be a very sad situation.
If your cat has been shoving its booty into your schnoz, there's nothing to worry about. Sure, it might be a bit weird at first, but your kitty just wants a cuddle – and it's time that you get off the internet and oblige!
Cover photo: Collage: Unsplash/Iggii/Jason Leung