Top 10 white cat breeds

White cats are both beautiful and adorable, and are often overshadowed by their darker cousins. There are a variety of white cat breeds worthy of mention, but which are the best? Here are the top 10 best white cat breeds.

There are many gorgeous white cat breeds out there, and they deserve more respect.
There are many gorgeous white cat breeds out there, and they deserve more respect.  © Unsplash/Jeb Buchman

Black cats are often called shifty, and people think they're unlucky, but there's no denying they capture the imagination.

On the other hand, their white cousins don't get that much attention. It's time to change that and dive into some of the sweetest and most beautiful white cats in the world!

In this cat guide, TAG24 will take a look at the top ten white cat breeds.

Watch this rescue kitten and one-eyed dog become BFFs in heartmelting footage
Cats Watch this rescue kitten and one-eyed dog become BFFs in heartmelting footage

Which kitties are sweeter than all the rest, which ones take the ticket based on their looks alone, and which one is right for you?

White cat breeds worthy of mention

There are many, many white cat breeds that are worth our time. In this case, though, we're mainly going to focus on kitties that are more often born white than black (or any other color). Black cat breeds are varied and diverse, and so are white cat breeds, so let's take a look at some of the best.

Here are the top ten best white cat breeds to ever grace our presence. If you're looking to get a cat, one of these beautiful kitties is certainly worth a look!

Persian cats are some of the fluffiest and sweetest white cat breeds.
Persian cats are some of the fluffiest and sweetest white cat breeds.  © imago/Westend61

10. Persian cat

Also known as Persian longhairs, these gorgeous white kitties are known for their round face and short nose. As their name suggests, they are thought to have originated in Afghanistan and Iran, moving to the west in the 19th century. They have now become remarkably popular in the US.

They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but the most beautiful Persian cats are white (or perhaps a variation of white). Their distinctive faces and gorgeous coats pair with their loving personalities to form the perfect family cat.

9. Turkish angora

Turkish Angora's are one of the best and brightest white cats out there.
Turkish Angora's are one of the best and brightest white cats out there.  © IMAGO/Wirestock

Turkish angoras are some of the most ancient natural cat breeds still to exist as a domesticated animal. With their distinctive white coat and their giant, round eyes, there are few white cat breeds more beautiful than the Turkish angora. They are also playful, athletic, and loving towards their favorite humans.

It is thought that Turkish angoras descended from African wildcats, scattering across northern Africa and the Middle East until they were imported to Britain in the 16th century. Since then, these beautiful white felines have become a mainstay of domestic cat ownership, and looking into those eyes, it's easy to see why!

8. Maine coon

White Maine coons are some of the biggest and fluffiest in the world.
White Maine coons are some of the biggest and fluffiest in the world.  © IMAGO/Design Pics

What is there to say about the Maine Coon that hasn't already been said? They are already one of the biggest cat breeds in the world, and also one of the most popular. While Maine Coons come in all shapes, colors, and temperaments, the most beautiful among them are those with a stunning white coat.

These huge kitties originate from the American state of Maine (hence the name) and are insanely sociable and friendly cats that like nothing more than gettin' some lovin'. Many people believe that the Maine coon is an almost "dog-like" animal, and they wouldn't be wrong.

7. Russian white

Russian whites are a variation of the Russian blue.
Russian whites are a variation of the Russian blue.  © imago/ITAR-TASS

Russian whites originate in the 1970s, making them one of the newest cat breeds in the world. They come from the world-famous Russian blue cat breed, which were crossed with the Siberian to form the pearly white cat breed we're all in love with today. Look at the little guy, isn't that the perfect feline?

Often timid and cautious around people they don't know, Russian whites are known for getting close to their owners and becoming seriously protective. On top of that, the perfect white color of a Russian white's coat makes it one of the most striking cats around. Loving and pretty – What more could you want?

6. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are kings among white cat breeds.
Ragdolls are kings among white cat breeds.  © imago/imagebroker

As a member of cat royalty, the not-so-humble ragdoll is famous for its temperamental attitude, love for a good smooch, and its persistently naughty behavior. While the ragdoll is the very definition of a perfect white cat breed, it's also one that puts a thorn in the backside of any owner.

Once adopted, they become the de facto head of the household, and all decisions must be made with the permission of this esteemed monarch. With a lion-like mane and bright, gorgeous eyes, they're not bad to look at either!

5. Balinese

White Balinese cats are some of the most friendly felines around.
White Balinese cats are some of the most friendly felines around.  © IMAGO/agefotostock

The Balinese cat breed is a fluffy as heck feline that originates from (you guessed it!) Bali. These beach-loving kitties enjoy a good round of snooker on a Friday night and a stiff drink, as long as they're in your presence and can get a few pets throughout the process. Indeed, these social butterflies have character!

Gorgeous, friendly animals, Balinese cats are some of the most sociable, vocal and playful felines in the business. Their perfect white coat and gray-black face make the Balinese one of the most popular white cat breeds in history. Honestly, if you're thinking about adopting a white cat, you need look no further!

4. American curl

American curls are some of the strangest but most wonderful white cats.
American curls are some of the strangest but most wonderful white cats.  © IMAGO/Ardea

Characterized by their bizarre and unusual ears, which look like they're folded backwards, the American curl is a Californian invention. One of the newest cat breeds to have stepped out into the world, the first American curls appeared in the early 1980s, originating from a female kitty called Shulamith.

Often featuring a distinctive and gorgeous white coat, American curls have become mainstays of American homes since they were discovered. Interesting, they were discovered when a stray was found in 1981. She had strangely shaped ears and, when she gave birth, that litter had those same curled ears. With that, a new breed was born.

3. American shorthair

Ironically, American shorthairs are some of the fluffiest and prettiest white cat breeds.
Ironically, American shorthairs are some of the fluffiest and prettiest white cat breeds.  © IMAGO/agefotostock

Nimble and athletic kitties, the American shorthair is a descendant of the British shorthair. Brought over by settlers in the mid-millenium, they have become one of the most popular and common cat breeds in the world. We're here today to give a little more respect to the white variant of the American shorthair, though, because they are truly stunning.

One of the most popular pets in the US, the American shorthair has a friendly and docile personality. They like to hunt, they like to play, and they are relatively easy to look after. As cats go, they're the perfect breed for families with small children, or anyone who wants a simple and easy-going friend in the house.

2. British shorthair

British shorthairs are often thought of as black, but they are also some of the cutest white cats.
British shorthairs are often thought of as black, but they are also some of the cutest white cats.  © IMAGO/Wirestock

British shorthairs are famously known to be black, sophisticated looking kitties that more than look up to their namesake. Luckily for us, the white variant of the typical British shorthair is arguably one of the most beautiful cats in feline history. They have the same features as the standard British shorthair, but with a glistening white coat that's to die for.

They distinctively stocky, with a broad face and sunken nose that's endlessly boopable. With a history dating back nearly as far as Christ, it is thought that the British shorthair was brought over to Britain by the ancient Romans.

1. Siamese cat

Siamese cats can be some of the most grumpy-looking white cat breeds around!
Siamese cats can be some of the most grumpy-looking white cat breeds around!  © IMAGO/Wirestock

Possibly the most distinctive Asian cat out there, and coming in both short and long-haired form, the Siamese is an incredibly famous and fascinating kitty. Native to Thailand, formerly called Siam, Siamese cats have pearly white coats and distinctively colored faces that set them apart from any other breed.

The reality is that you'll know a Siamese when you see one. They are similar to Balinese cats but far more common due to their fame, and are thought to have originated as early as the 1300s. These crazy cats are worthy of that fame, though, as they are friendly (yet grumpy) kitties that make perfect pets.

Long-haired white cat breeds need more love

The likes of the ragdoll and American curl are often overlooked when people talk about pretty cats. Indeed, they might be fluffy and cute – good for a cuddle – but they're a lot more than that. This goes especially for white cat breeds, as those luscious locks look even more impressive when they're as white as a cloud.

Among the beautiful white cat breeds we have mentioned here, there are many that would make fantastic pets. Just remember: white cats also shed, so try not to wear too much black. The fur will show!

Cover photo: Unsplash/Jeb Buchman

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