Cutest tuxedo cat breeds: Top 10
Out of the many cats out there with their many different coat designs, the tuxedo cat is one that'll never let you down. These fancy kitties are insanely sweet, and some of the cutest breeds out there.

There are some extraordinary cats out there, but everything gets taken to the next level when a kitty looks like it's ready to play poker with James Bond.
Tuxedo cats might not all be black and white, but they do all have that unique pattern we all want to see in a fluffy fellow.
What are the best and cutest tuxedo cat breeds, though?
What defines a tuxedo cat breed?
A tuxedo cat breed is not necessarily one with a black-and-white fur pattern. Instead, the tuxedo cat is a cat that features a coat design reminiscent of a tuxedo, with darker-colored fur contrasting with a light or white chest. They are some of the most adorable and lovable creatures out there, and famous for their unique and interesting look.
Their name obviously comes from the name of the popular attire, but it is also more of a slang term than anything official. Tuxedo cats come in many different breeds, shapes, sizes, and colors – and within a "tuxedo cat breed," there may be many kitties who don't feature the signature fur.
Every kitty is unique and full of personality, no matter its looks. The tuxedo cat has no specific traits other than the pattern on its fur somewhat reflecting that of, you guessed it, a tuxedo.
Top 10 best tuxedo cat breeds
There are hundreds of different cat breeds and many of them can feature a tuxedo cat coat, which is more about the style and look of the coat than it is about the breed of the cat. On top of that, it's worth noting that most cats have a contrast between a darker coat and lighter undercarriage – the difference here is how extreme and polar opposite the colors of a tuxedo cat's fur can be.
Many of the tuxedo cat breeds we are about to talk about come in a variety of colors and fur designs. They are made up of kitties that look particularly adorable when tuxed up, or commonly acquire said design.

10. Turkish Van
Turkish Vans are widely underappreciated creatures – but when it comes to their extraordinary tuxedos, things are quite the opposite. These fluffy creatures come in all sorts of different color variants but often feature a bicolor coat that emphasizes a lighter tone on their chest. When they are purely black and white, though, the Turkish van is the very definition of a perfect tuxedo kitty.
9. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rexes are famous for their humungous ears, but when they come in black and white, they should also be appreciated for their tuxedos.
These beautiful kitties are pretty strange when you think about it, and many are turned off by their scruffy appearance, which is accentuated by their incredibly short and often patchy fur and enormous round eyes.
8. Exotic Shorthair

A grumpy-looking cat with a heart of gold, few kitties can compare to the Exotic Shorthair, a strange and wacky creature that should find themselves in more households than they currently do.
Famous for their facial expressions, these kitties feature wispy whiskers that make them look like grandpa cats, ready to give their grandchildren a life lesson.
When they feature a tuxedo fur pattern, though, the cuteness of the Exotic Shorthair reaches a whole other level.
7. Persian

Persians are some of the most iconic cats in the world and, while they are not usually bicolor, can sometimes have coats that resemble a tuxedo close enough to be featured on this list.
What's extraordinary about these fluffy fellows, though, is how well they can pull off the look, with a complex web of colored fur on their back and a broad white napkin tucked under their chin.
What more could you want?
6. Sphynx

There is little love for the Sphynx around the world, and it's kind of understandable.
With barely any fur and a wrinkled appearance that can be significantly off-putting, there are much sweeter and more pleasant-looking felines out there waiting for your love.
Yet, when the Sphynx features a tuxedo pattern on its short fur, there is something oddly sophisticated about it.
5. Scottish Fold

With folded-over ears and insanely soft fur, the Scottish Fold is one of the ultimate tuxedo cat breeds.
This is largely on account of the dark black and the bright white that these cats often feature.
Of course, they come in all sorts of different colors and coat patterns, but when these dudes wear a tuxedo, they go for the ultimate get-up – and it's undeniably gorgeous.
4. Norwegian Forest Cat

Not strictly a tuxedo cat, the Norwegian forest cat has been featured here for one simple reason: Few cats can grow a tuxedo vest quite like the Norwegian Forest Cat.
Featuring a mane of white fur under its chin, this beautiful long-haired cat is almost wizard-like in appearance, especially when one has a longer winter coat.
It helps as well that these beautiful cats feature equally beautiful personalities.
3. American Shorthair

A pretty normal and standard cat breed, the American Shorthair certainly knows how to wear a tux when it chooses to.
These medium-sized cats never fail to impress with their kind hearts and entertaining personalities.
They might be pretty basic kitties, but we won't hold that against them!
2. Domestic Shorthair

The most standard breed of cat to ever have walked this Earth, we would be remiss to not include the domestic shorthair here.
While they come in many different shades of many different colors and feature variations with almost every coat type and coat pattern that you could think of, there's no one who would deny how stylish a Domestic Shorthair looks when it's sporting a good ol' fashioned tuxedo.
1. Manx

The Manx is, quite simply, the father of all tuxedo cat breeds.
These fluffy dudes are incredibly stylish and love to play as much as possible.
Despite being often overlooked, these wonderful creatures make amazing pets on account of their vibrant personalities, friendly traits, and constant desire for affection and cuddles.
When it comes to their tuxedo coats, though, none can compare.
When choosing an appropriate cat breed, please make sure to remember that its looks and coat design have no bearing on its personality. If you have children, for example, choosing a calm and safe kitty is far more important than making sure it's a tuxedo cat breed!
Cover photo: Unsplash/Mel Gardner