Top 10 cutest cat breeds in the world

If you've ever owned a cat, you've probably considered it the cutest creature to have ever live. We're not about to argue against that – especially if it happens to be on our list of the top 10 cutest cat breeds in the world!

The cutest cat breeds in the world all have something in common: Fluffiness.
The cutest cat breeds in the world all have something in common: Fluffiness.  © Collage: Unsplash/Tran Mau Tri Tam/The Lucky Neko

Fluffy fur, adorable little paws, big ears, a boopable nose, and a bushy tail – those just a few of the characteristics that make cats so darn adorable.

While everyone has their preferences, there are a few kitties out there that conquer every heart with their cuteness.

TAG24's cat guide is here to introduce you to the top 10 cutest cat breeds in the world.

Bella the cuddly tortoiseshell cat needs a forever home!
Cats Bella the cuddly tortoiseshell cat needs a forever home!

What breeds take the ticket for their fluffiness, friendliness, and fantastic looks?

Let's take a look at a few cats that are bound to make you go "aww!"

Cutest cat breeds: Top 10

Before we begin it's important to note that this is, of course, an exercise in subjectivity (though we are, as always, correct). There are many cat breeds out there and every one of them have their upsides and downsides, and every taste is different. If you think we have missed a kitty of note on this list, rest assured that we are not saying that said kitty is not cute. We're sure it is!

So, without further ado, it's time to take a look at the cutest cat breeds in the world. What makes them so cute, what are their histories, and what are the top 10 cutest cat breeds ever?

Ragdolls are some of the naughtiest but sweetest cute cat breeds.
Ragdolls are some of the naughtiest but sweetest cute cat breeds.  © imago/Xinhua

10. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are remarkably naughty and insanely cute, often featuring a lion-like mane and a pair of piercing blue eyes. Their faces, often stuck in a hopelessly adorable permanent frown, are gorgeously framed by a darker patch of fur that usually comes in a shade of black or brown. Often featuring quite big and pointy ears, these are cats simply to die for.

Beware, though, because ragdolls often suffer from pretty severe separation anxiety, leading them to exhibit rather troublesome behaviors when their beloved humans are heading off on a trip (or, indeed, off to work). Ragdolls are by far some of the cutest and friendliest cats around, and the perfect indoor house cat, but you need to know what you're getting into before you adopt.

9. Maine coon

Maine coons are some of the biggest, fluffiest, and cutest cats in the world.
Maine coons are some of the biggest, fluffiest, and cutest cats in the world.  © Unsplash/Kanashi

The Maine coon is famous for being one of the biggest cats in the world, but with big bones and a beefy stature comes an equally adorable feline friend. Also sporting a mane that would put Simba to shame, Maine coons are famous for their friendly and cuddly personalities and lifestyles, and for their unbelievably luscious locks.

Clearly one of the cutest cat breeds in the world, the Maine coon originates from the state it's named after and have been a staple of American households for many years. What more could you want? Big ears, wide eyes, incredible whiskers, and fur that flows in soft curls and striking shades of white, black, and red.

8. Russian blue

The Russian blue is an extraordinary cat breed, and unbelievably adorable.
The Russian blue is an extraordinary cat breed, and unbelievably adorable.  © Unsplash/Jelena Senicic

Taking their name from the slightly blue tinge of their gray-black fur, the Russian blue is one of the sweetest and most excitable cats out there. Famous for being vicious hunters and temperamental in nature, these four-pawed fellows are so cute that they become hard to resist - even when they're angry and agitated!

Originating from (unsurprisingly) Russia, more specifically the port of Arkhangelsk, Russian blues often have bright green eyes, soft looking paws, and long-pointed teeth. While generally accepted as a decently quiet cat breed, the Russian blue beats out many others in terms of cuteness due to their petite bodies, wide yawns, and fascinating personalities.

7. British shorthair

There are few cats cuter than the British shorthair, especially when they're kittens.
There are few cats cuter than the British shorthair, especially when they're kittens.  © Unsplash/René Peters

Similar in color to the Russian blue, the British shorthair is a relatively flat-nosed kitty that boasts a tremendously fluffy coat and a permanently befuddled gaze. Often relatively small, the British shorthair is thought to have been brought over to the UK by the ancient Romans, making them one of the oldest and most easily identifiable cat breeds in the world.

Their looks, though, discount all interest one might have in their history. Often rather chubby and unbelievably friendly and inquisitive, the British shorthair is clearly one of the cutest cats in the world. When they're kittens these fluffy fellows are some of the sweetest little dudes in the world – and that doesn't end once they've grown up!

6. American bobtail

American bobtails are famous for the iconic and distinctive tails.
American bobtails are famous for the iconic and distinctive tails.  © IMAGO/agefotostock

Famous for the stubbed tail, the American bobtail is incredibly fluffy and innocent looking.

These little dudes didn't appear until the late 1960s and were originally the result of a failed genetic mutation. They were originally a cross between the domestic tabby and a wild bobcat.

Incredibly strong for their looks, and intensely fluffy, these stocky little creatures have short but muscular and thick legs, big ears, and an incredibly dense coat. Often used as a show cat, the American bobtail is one of the cutest, most playful, and energetic domestic kitties out there. What more could you want?

5. Persian cat

Persian cats are remarkably sweet and incredibly distinctive cats.
Persian cats are remarkably sweet and incredibly distinctive cats.  © Unsplash/Reba Spike

Persian cats have an incredibly distinctive and incredibly adorable look. With a big mustache and a flattened face, these animals have become internet darlings for their quirky ways and bizarre characteristics. Imported into Italy from Khorasan (Persia, modern-day Iran) in the 1600s, the Persian cat didn't always have the sunken nose we have grown to love and adore over the years.

Indeed, the iconic sunken-faced mustache didn't appear until selective breeding started in the mid-20th century (after World War 2). Nowadays, they are one of the most popular cats in the world, and one of the most adopted in the United States. That's only fair, though, considering that the Persian is one of the cutest cat breeds in the world.

4. Bengal cat

A tiger-like kitty, the Bengal cat is certainly one of the cutest cats in the world.
A tiger-like kitty, the Bengal cat is certainly one of the cutest cats in the world.  © Unsplash/Paul Hanaoka

Striped like a tiger and dotted like a leopard, with tinges of orange in its remarkable fur, the Bengal cat well lives up to its name. A hybrid of the Asian leopard cat, crossed with domestic kitties such as the Egyptian mau, Bengal cats are a selectively bred designer species that can fetch some pretty extraordinary prices when being adopted.

Not fully developed until the end of the 1980s, the Bengal has since become a mainstay in American households and, indeed, homes worldwide. You can't blame people, either, as the Bengal cat features stripes and a glorious ginger that makes it one of the world's cutest cats. Indeed, this beautiful kitty certainly deserves to be on our list of cutest orange tabby cats!

3. Minuet (Napoleon)

Minuets are tiny little cats - permanent kittens. And what's more adorable than a kitten?
Minuets are tiny little cats - permanent kittens. And what's more adorable than a kitten?  © IMAGO/Ardea

Minuets are tiny little miniature cats that never really grow much bigger than your typical kitten. Formerly known as Napoleon cats, these tiny fellows are a mix of the Persian (which we previously discussed) and the Munchkin. They didn't emerge until the 1990s, and their name was changed to Minuet as late as 2015, in a ruling by the International Cat Association's board of directors.

In several countries, such as the Netherlands, it is forbidden to breed Minuets. This is largely because of the various health problems that can arise with this breed, including various genetic issues. Still, that doesn't stop the Minuet from being one of the friendliest, cutest, and tiniest cats in existence.

2. Raggamuffin

Raggamuffins are more than just a funny name, they're the second cutest cat breed in the world.
Raggamuffins are more than just a funny name, they're the second cutest cat breed in the world.  © IMAGO/INSADCO

Raggamuffin is more than just a funny word, it's an insanely adorable breed of domestic cat – in fact, it is one of the cutest cat breeds in the world. A variant of the ragdoll, these gorgeous kitties feature broad shoulders and big heads, but don't generally have the giant lion-like mane of their close relatives.

They are relatively big cats, coated in a thick layer of intensely fluffy fur, and often colored white (though you can get them in most colors and patterns). Raggamuffins are incredibly friendly, funny, a lot less naughty than ragdolls, and insanely smart. These cats do some wild things sometimes, and it's worth getting to know the breed before you adopt.

1. Domestic shorthair

The domestic shorthair is, by far, the cutest and sweetest cat in the world.
The domestic shorthair is, by far, the cutest and sweetest cat in the world.  © IMAGO/Wirestock

The most original of original cat breeds, the domestic shorthair just simply cannot be beaten in terms of cuteness. Wonderful cats, these medium-sized fur balls are friendly, loving, temperamental, funny, and incredible companions. Coming in many shapes, sizes, and sub-breeds (one of which is on this list), they are also one of the most common cat breeds on planet Earth.

The domestic shorthair is our pick for cutest cat breed in the world. Sure, there are plenty of variants to spice things up, but nothing can beat that short but soft fur, that big personality, and that incredible agility many have on their feet. All-in-all, this is the perfect cat breed for any family looking to adopt!

Isn't every cat breed cute?

Cuteness is, of course, entirely a matter of opinion. Some kitties are considered remarkably ugly by other cat lovers and, while it may seem hard to believe, some people don't like cats at all (no, we don't get it either). With that in mind, while this list is by no means exhaustive, it does include a selection of rather popular and famous kitties that are often loved for their looks.

Sit down and have a think about what you want before you adopt a cat. Of course, choosing one of the cutest cats breeds in the world will always bring you an ounce of joy, but it's also important to get a kitty that's well-behaved, loving, affectionate, balanced, and good to be around.

Cover photo: Collage: Unsplash/Tran Mau Tri Tam/The Lucky Neko

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