Tomcat breeds: Top 10
Tomcats can be some of the sweetest and cutest cats out there – few would deny such a claim. But what actually are tomcats, why are they so popular, and what are our favorite tomcat breeds?

When it comes to the humble tomcat, while there's plenty to complain about, there's also plenty to look forward to.
These fluffy fellows can be some of the sweetest kitties out there – if you make the right choice, that is.
What exactly is a "tom" cat, though, what does that even mean?
And, moreover, what are our picks for the top 10 best tomcat breeds in the world?
What is a tomcat?
A tomcat is quite simply a male domestic cat. It really is that straight-forward and, as a result of this, utterly meaningless in terms of breed. These critters have eclectic personalities and characteristics, look many different ways, and make out about half of the kitty population.
While the term "tom cat" only really refers to male cats, it directly inspired the name of the "Tom" in the Tom and Jerry cartoons, and generally refers to a certain set of characteristics. Specifically, the term is often used to refer to unneutered adult male cats, as they generally exhibit such behaviors.
This is how a tomcat behaves:
- Regular spraying
- Increased aggression
- Noisy
- Smelly
- Fighting with other cats
- Lurking
- Territorial behavior
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Competition for females in heat
Ultimately, in common parlance, any cat can be a tomcat. When you deep-dive, though, a tomcat is simply a male and unneutered kitty. Keep your eyes out and beware!
Top 10 tomcat breeds in the world
While a tomcat could technically be any breed, there are a few tomcats that you'll want to be around more than others. Certain kitties will be quite aggressive, while others will be perfectly sweet and understanding. If you are looking to adopt an unneutered kitty, it's one of these you'll want until you can get it snipped.
There are 10 tomcats out there more worthy of your time and cash than any of the others. What are our favorite 10 tomcat breeds, and what makes them so special? Let's take a look.

10. Persian cat
Persians are some of the most well-known but overlooked cat breeds out there, and also some of the calmest and sweetest inside cats you can get. As tomcats, they are suitably mellow, though of course can often exhibit many of the traits you would usually come to expect from a male kitty that hasn't been neutered. If you are looking to adopt, this is a great place to start.
9. American Shorthair

We all talk about the Domestic Shorthair or the British Shorthair, but what about the humble American?
Well, these cats are pretty on-brand!
This shorthaired cat is a calm and sweet cat well worth your attention and affection.
Out of the many tomcats out there, you can't go wrong with an American Shorthair.
8. Scottish fold

Famous for its flattened and folded ears, the Scottish Fold is a truly remarkable cat breed not just because of its incredible looks, but because of its ability to bring the cuddles wherever it goes.
This is a fluffy and happy dude and one that's more than guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
Even as a tomcat, the Scottish Fold is relatively calm and reserved, and not too much of a nuisance.
7. Savannah

One of the bigger breeds of cat out there, when it comes to tomcats you would not usually opt for the likes of the Savannah.
Yet, this striped, orange cat is an absolute beauty and one that no one should miss out on.
Sure, tomcats can be a pain, but if it is a Savannah then that pain is more than worth the struggle.
6. Norwegian Forest Cat

Covered in a thick and rich coat of fluffy fur, the Norwegian Forest Cat is one of the most iconic breeds of northern Europe.
A Scandinavian beauty, these gorgeous cats will never bring you sadness, even if they can be a little bit wild and unpredictable at times.
Sure, as tomcats these creatures can get quite overly enthusiastic, but much like the Savannah, they're still worth the trouble.
5. Turkish Van

With relatively short but fluffy fur, the Turkish Van is covered in a pattern that can't help but stun.
This is another fluffed-up beauty, a tomcat to adore, and the Turkish van knows it.
They are cheerful, excitable, keen for adventure, and always eager to please.
If you want a calm, friendly, and easy-to-handle cat breed, look no further than the Turkish Van.
4. Ragdoll

One of the best-known cat breeds out there, these fluffy creatures have impressive tails and an equally impressive ability to keep their owners on their toes.
They might be naughty and annoying at times, but that goes for whichever one you get, whether it's a tomcat or not!
The reason why it's on this list is that the Ragdoll is a beloved and beautiful cat that deserves every ounce of affection that it gets.
3. British Shorthair

A cat breed with a history that stretches back far into the past, all the way to the Ancient Romans, the British Shorthair is quite possibly one of the most iconic cats to ever set foot on Earth.
It might be moody from time to time, but that goes for any cat, so you shouldn't put too much emphasis on it.
The British Shorthair is one of the best tomcats out there because it is simply one of the best cats out there.
2. Maine Coon

Sometimes the biggest cat will also have the biggest heart.
While you would think that a big cat like the Maine coon would be a royal pain in the backside, you'd actually be wrong.
If trained properly, these fluffed-up creatures are more than happy to spend their time in a calm environment, while remaining well-behaved.
As a result, we have put the Maine Coon up high on our list of the best tomcats in the world.
1. Domestic Shorthair

Finally, we come to the grandfather of all domestic cat breeds – the Domestic Shorthair.
What is there really to say about these majestic mammals that haven't already been said?
They are fluffy, cute, happy, and unbelievably well-behaved.
Out of the many tomcats out there, you'd be lucky to deal with a Domestic Shorthair or "tabby" cat.
Seriously, what more needs to be said?
Out of all the domestic cats out there, there is no category more up and down than the tomcat. These fluffy fellows can be grumpier than grandpas, or sweeter than honey. Just make sure to get the right breed...
Cover photo: Unsplash/Connor Ward