Taylor Swift's cats in profile: Scottish fold price, health, and characteristics
There are some remarkable cats out there, but few come close to Taylor Swift's two magnificent Scottish folds. Let's take a look at her favorite cat breed - what do Scottish folds cost, and what do you need to know?

There are few animals in the world with more notoriety than Taylor Swift's iconic kitties. The singer has a couple of gorgeous Scottish folds, each of them tiny and unbelievably cute. What is a Scottish fold, though, what's behind this strange-as-heck cat breed, how long do they live, and how much are Taylor Swift's worth?
In this cat guide, we'll take a look at Taylor Swift's beautiful Scottish folds. How many does she have, what are they worth, and what are their names? Oh, and what about the breed itself?
Ready for it? Let's go!
Taylor Swift loves Scottish folds
Few things are more wholesome than Taylor Swift's social media accounts, chock-a-block full of her beloved kitties, wandering around the place and getting themselves into trouble. These Scottish folds have become more famous than practically any cats in human history, fact or fiction, and (considering Swift's dating record) are certainly the loves of her life.
For good reason too! Scottish folds are remarkable cats with a remarkable history, and are remarkably rare. To own more than one of them, each perfectly groomed and kept neat and tidy, is unusual in itself. The fame and cost of these kitties, though, are arguably even more noteworthy.
Swift is constantly promoting her cats on Instagram and elsewhere, amassing millions upon millions of views every single time. One cat pic from Boxing Day 2020 amassed more than two million likes alone, and far more views – that's how famous these kitties are!
When talking about Scottish folds, you can never forget to mention Taylor Swift's kitties, so here's how we'll do it: let's take a look at what you should know about Taylor's cats, and then let's dive into the Scottish fold cat breed itself.

How many cats does Taylor Swift have?
Taylor Swift is definitely a big cat fan, with three feline friends under her belt. Only two of these gorgeous kitties are Scottish folds, the third one being a Ragdoll named Benjamin. While all insanely cute, there's something crazy special about her two Scottish folds.
It's lucky that Swift has plenty of money, because all of her cats are both high maintenance and high cost. We don't envy her having to head out on tour with a ragdoll at home in particular, those kitties might be cute but they are also some of the clingiest and naughtiest cats around – mainly because they commonly suffer from separation anxiety.
What are Taylor Swift's cats named?
Taylor Swift's cats are each named after famous television or film characters. Each with different names and personalities, these three cats are a great unit of four-pawed warriors, each fighting for Swift's affection, time, and attention. As such, it is only reasonable to give them names that instill curiosity and a great deal of personality.
These are Taylor Swift's cat names:
- First Scottish fold: Meredith Grey (named after the lead character of Grey's Anatomy)
- Second Scottish fold: Olivia Benson (named after a character from Law & Order: SVU)
- Ragdoll: Benjamin Button (pretty self-explanatory)
Taylor Swift's first cat, Meredith Grey, was adopted by the pop singer in 2011, followed by Olivia Benson in 2014 and Benjamin Button in 2019. Several of them have starred on more than just her Instagram, as well!
Taylor Swift's cat's net worth
It was reported earlier in 2023 that Olivia Benson, Taylor Swift's second Scottish fold, is one of the world's richest pets. The research, which was undertaken by All About Cats, saw investigators looking into Instagram analytics and figuring out how much revenue was being made from Benson's pics.
With millions of likes and even more views, it quickly becomes less surprising that Olivia Benson is worth so much. How much, you ask? It turns out that Taylor Swift's cat Olivia Benson has an estimated worth of $97 million.
Scottish fold cat breed: Everything you need to know
Scottish folds are a very famous but rare cat breed that appeared in the 1960s due to a rare mutation that was found on a white barn cat in Perthshire, Scotland. With bent-back and folded over ears, this small white cat was insanely cute and insanely unique, and quickly become a mother, starting a breeding tradition that has gone on ever since.
While extremely popular, Scottish folds are unbelievably rare due to the physical traits needed for them to be properly classified as a member of the breed. They look ridiculously innocent, and have been made increasingly popular because of Taylor Swift's continued promotion of the breed on Instagram.
The breed was originally accepted in the 1970s, but failed registration in Europe due to a variety of health problems that we'll get into shortly. They are still yet to be introduced in many EU countries, and are almost exclusively sold in the US, where they are also the most famous and popular.
What makes the Scottish fold so distinctive and famous are their bent-over ears, which almost fold flat down onto their heads. This is also where they take their name from.

Scottish fold price
Scottish folds are some of the most expensive cats out there due to their rarity, often selling for more than $3000 when bought from a breeder. What makes the breeding of Scottish folds so hard is that they are not always born with their distinctive bent-over ears. As a result, while the breed itself is pretty rare, the highly-desirable "folded" variety is even rarer and more valuable.
On top of that, you will never find a Scottish fold at a pound or cat shelter. This is primarily because they are cats only generally bought from high-end and sophisticated breeders. The people who purchase them can also generally afford to look after them – after all, they likely spent at least $3000 just to buy the animal!
Scottish fold characteristics (temperament and habits)
It's generally a good idea to keep Scottish folds as hybrid cats that can go both indoors and outdoors. They suffer quite badly from loneliness when their humans aren't around, but will also get endlessly restless if you keep them inside. Yes, they are insanely fluffy (Scottish folds can be both long-haired and short haired), but that doesn't mean that they make good indoor-only kitties.
They are ridiculously cute and affectionate, and love to spend time with their humans. In fact, the favorite pass-time of a devoted Scottish fold is often to lie on its back and get tummy rubs, something that many breeds aren't fond of. They also like to play games, eat food, and are quite easily brushed when compared to other cats.
Scottish folds make the perfect house cat and are great with kids. While they do need a bit of adventure in their life, and some activities to help them bide the time, they are loving, docile, and endlessly friendly as well.
Scottish fold health

The average lifespan of a Scottish fold is no higher or lower than your average cat, at about 15 years. Despite this pretty standard life expectancy, you can expect some pretty serious health issues down the line. Scottish folds are particularly susceptible to forms of kidney disease, osteochondrodysplasia, arthritis, and heart issues.
Probably the biggest problem that plagues the Scottish fold is that long and completely unpronounceable condition in the above list. This is a developmental issue that stems from the breeding process needed to get a Scottish fold.
You see, there's a reason behind a Scottish fold's folded ear. Osteochondrodysplasia affects your cat's bones and cartilage, making it particularly susceptible to bone related issues later in life. This mutation can cause a variety of health problems, many of which cause the cat excruciating pain. It's also the reason why their ears are flopped forward. In short: it's not good at all.
This is a very brief and simple explanation of the many health defects that may come along with a Scottish fold when you adopt it. Make sure to get regular vet checkups and also talk with a professional before you adopt, to get their advice.
Why are Scottish fold cats banned in some countries?
The breeding of Scottish folds has been banned across many EU countries, including The Netherlands and Austria, as well as the state of Victoria in Australia and, funnily enough, Scotland. Many countries have also banned the sale of these cats, it all coming down to animal welfare concerns.
Countries that have banned either the sale or breeding (or both) of Scottish folds have by-and-by done it due to the dangers of osteochondrodysplasia. The argument is that the condition can get very dangerous and very painful, so it's inhumane to breed cats destined for such suffering.
Scottish folds are cute, it's no wonder Taylor Swift loves them!
There are few cat breeds cuter than the average Scottish fold. With their iconic ears and their small squat bodies, they're insane sweet and insanely friendly. While Taylor Swift's beloved feline friends are incredibly rare and incredibly entertaining to watch on Instagram. It certainly seems that they couldn't have hoped for a better mum than Swift.
With beautiful bent-backwards ears and sweet little faces, the Scottish fold is a great cat breed choice, and that goes double if you're a Taylor Swift fan. Just keep in mind that they have a variety of health issues, and make sure that you have the financial stability to support them through those problems.
Cover photo: Collage: IMAGO/Everett Collection & Instagram/Screenshot/@taylorswift