Funny cat names: What are the funniest cat names ever?

Getting a new cat is a big and exciting move bound to bring joy to the whole family. Its name can be equally as bright and bubbly – in fact, it can even bring a chuckle to your chest.

Some of the cutest and sweetest cats are also really funny.
Some of the cutest and sweetest cats are also really funny.  © Unsplash/Daria Shatova

A little giggle will keep you going for the rest of the day, brightening up an otherwise dull and tedious day.

Your kind kitty is a fluffy little ball of happiness that can hardly do you wrong.

An outrageously hilarious cat name may be in order if you or your fluffy little dude have a silly, mischievous, or particularly adorable personality!

What are the ultimate funny cat names?

A funny cat name doesn't have to be silly or ridiculous. It's just about coming up with something that will cause a little giggle when it's heard for the first time, a name so teeny-tiny and cute that it makes the cat seem even more adorable than it already is. Cute and silly cat names might seem a dime a dozen, but they can be pretty hard to get right sometimes.

Here are our favorite funny cat names, regardless of gender:

  • Sushi
  • Lawrence
  • Jiggles
  • Blob
  • Tofu
  • Toast
  • Nimbus
  • Purrito
  • Kit Cat
  • Catastrophe
  • Bear
  • Buddha
  • Butterball
  • Smudge
  • Nugget
  • Moo
  • Loaf
  • Fluffy
  • Big Ears
  • Bubbles

We can assure you that if you choose one of these names for your cat, no matter its gender, your parents are bound to laugh out loud when you tell them.

Funny cats deserve funny names.
Funny cats deserve funny names.  © Unsplash/Alex D.

Funny male cat names

Male cats are more prone to funny or silly cat names, primarily because they are often thought of as being more amusing than female cats. There is a perception, though not necessarily true, that female cats are more strong-hearted and harsh in their behavior while male cats are more up for a laugh.

Here are the funniest male cat names in the world:

  • Copurrnicus
  • Mingus
  • Meowington
  • Chicken Tikka Masala
  • Angus
  • Boomer
  • Greg
  • Moose
  • Goose
  • Dodo
  • Noose
  • Hamburger
  • Grill
  • Gobbedeegoop
  • Frisky McWhiskey
  • Lollipop
  • Squabble
  • Bubble
  • Mr Musky
  • Nolan
  • Bruce

If you choose to name your male cat one of these endlessly funny cat names, you'll end up with a humorous feline with an equally humorous name.

Funny girl cat names

Hiding beneath a blanket, this cat has one strong sense of humor!
Hiding beneath a blanket, this cat has one strong sense of humor!  © Unsplash/Lingda Kong

Funny felines deserve far more credit than they often get, and that goes double for female kitties who are too often judged to be humorless simply due to their gender. So what cat names are considered funny for females? Which kitties deserve a silly nickname, something that's sure to elicit giggles? Well, there are certainly a few.

Here are the funniest female cat names out there:

  • Pun
  • Bobble
  • Lady Leopard
  • Mrs. Clinton
  • Mrs. Chonklady
  • Chonky McChonk
  • Her Meowjesty
  • Queen Purrger
  • Gato
  • Quirkle
  • Big Mac
  • Queezy Cheese
  • Egg Salad
  • Butterball
  • Fleur
  • Hedwig
  • Nugget
  • Bell Pepper
  • Ham Sandwich
  • Pipsqueak
  • Oreo
  • Meowsala

So now that you've got a list of funny cat names, it's time for you to adopt a similarly funny and grumpy cat breed. Once you've got a funny cat with a funny name, your life may as well be complete.

You can tell that these two truly want to become funny friends.
You can tell that these two truly want to become funny friends.  © Unsplash/Hannah Reding

What makes the funniest cat names so hilarious?

Cats are naturally funny animals, keen to play with inanimate objects and run around like their tails are on fire. What makes a cat funny, though, is primarily a combination of looks and behavior. A cat that looks scary but behaves in a silly or particularly smoochy way is certainly one you'd call "funny," as would a cat who seems sweet but is oddly grumpy.

When it comes to a cat's name, though, it's about style and substance over pure silliness. A cat name that can be considered "funny" is one that will make you giggle and is a little bit clever, not a silly or overly cute cat name. Keep this in mind when naming your caring kitty and choose something that is more likely to create "awwws" than a belly laugh.

Ultimately, though, there is no rule for how to come up with a funny cat name. As long as you don't go too ridiculous and unusual, it's entirely a matter of taste. Some people will find your cat's name funny, others won't get it, and some will think you're being way too silly. And you know what? That's okay.

A funny cat name doesn't need to be outrageous or stupid – it just needs to be something that'll make you giggle.

Cover photo: Unsplash/Daria Shatova

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