Fear of cats: What is ailurophobia and how can I help?

Ailurophobia, the fear of cats, is a very real and very serious thing. A phobia is something that can be quite debilitating, so a true case of ailurophobia should be handled with care and empathy.

Many people are scared of cats – it's completely normal, so don't be embarrassed.
Many people are scared of cats – it's completely normal, so don't be embarrassed.  © Collage: Unsplash/Victoriano Izquierdo/Илья Мельниченко

We all have that one friend who's absolutely petrified when they see a cat cross the road in front of them.

It's not even a superstition, because that cat wasn't black!

No, the sight of any cat sends them into an absolute tizzy, running for the hills.

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What is ailurophobia, the fear of cats, and can you help a friend who's so scared of kitties that they can't function in a cat's presence?

What is ailurophobia, the fear of cats?

Ailurophobia, otherwise known as the fear of cats, is a natural phenomenon suffered by many people and caused by a variety of things. While some may simply have a physical and mental discomfort from the nearby presence of a cat, others will have a uniquely terror-filled experience that can send them running from the room in tears.

What causes ailurophobia, a fear of cats?

In no situation is such a reaction worthy of criticism or judgment. It is a very natural behavior and something that isn't caused by timidness or any fault of the sufferer. Of course, it's a shame – cats are wonderful creatures – but nothing to be ashamed of or bullied over.

What are the usual causes of ailurophobia, the fear of cats?

  • Somebody who has a pre-existing condition is more at risk: Anxiety disorders, other phobias (fear of animals in general, for example), panic issues, and addictions. In addition, if a parent or grandparent has similar problems you may have inherited it from them.
  • Traumatic events in the past: Caused by things that have happened in a victim's past, this is a learned response, often to something completely reasonable like an overly violent cat during childhood, and one that can sometimes be resolved through therapy.
  • Mythology and stories: There are many historical stories that surround cats, and not all of them are good. In addition, superstition can greatly add to a vivid fear of cats.
  • Learned fear: If a person close to you throughout your childhood and formative years was aggressively fearful of cats, you may have learned the behavior from them.

Important: Ailurophobia is a legitimate phobia, and neither something to make fun of nor be embarrassed by. It is, though, a potential mental health issue that can be treated by professional doctors and psychologists, if that is your desire,

There is a historical basis for ailurophobia, or the fear of cats.
There is a historical basis for ailurophobia, or the fear of cats.  © Unsplash/Victoriano Izquierdo

What is it like to be scared of cats?

It's not fun to have any phobia, let alone a fear of cats. While it would certainly be worse to be scared of birds, which are basically everywhere, such a condition can even be dangerous for some people, especially if they have serious health conditions put at risk by fright or stress.

Here are the main symptoms of ailurophobia:

  • Serious feeling of intense anxiety or fear
  • Nausea
  • Chest pains
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of bodily control
  • Serious sweating
  • Full-blown panic attacks
  • Shaking and tremors

People who suffer from ailurophobia will often have it in varying different ways, brought on by different things than other people. Some people will be scared of cats being nearby, others will be so frightened that they can't look at pictures of cats.

Here are some of the more common sub-phobias of ailurophobia:

  • Fear of seeing a cat in public
  • Fear of a cat entering personal space
  • Fear of touching a cat or being touched by a cat
  • Superstition-based fear, such as the fear of a black cat crossing the road
  • Fear of pictures or videos of cats

If your friend or family member is scared of a cat, it is best to assess their symptoms and try to identify what it is exactly that they are afraid of. Once you know what the problem is, you can accommodate better for the phobia.

Why are some people scared of black cats?

As we discussed in our detailed article on the fear of black cats, it is based on a variety of historical superstitions and fears that have been passed on through the ages. Different cultures have different fears, from those surrounding witch trials and the bubonic plague, to more eastern superstitions from China and beyond.

What to do about a fear of cats

Treat people who are scared of cats with care and respect.
Treat people who are scared of cats with care and respect.  © Collage: Unsplash/Kraken Images/Andrew Umansky

As we are not healthcare professionals, we do not recommend following any online advice on dealing with a fear of cats. Instead, take your friend, family member, or self, to a doctor or possibly a psychologist. They will prescribe a variety of potential treatments to you, and get you on your way.

Most treatments will include both breathing and relaxation exercises, and a gradual unlearning of the learned responses that may be causing the severe phobia. These will depend, of course, on what the doctor and psychologist thinks is best, and may provide both quick and long term solutions.

It's also worth noting that, as the friend, family member or partner of someone with ailurophobia, it is your responsibility to have empathy towards them and make sure they are okay when something happens. If they get scared of a cat, don't criticize, just step in and comfort them.

When someone is scared of cats, it's a real and serious thing that should be treated with respect. Don't try to "fix" them, just be accepting and try to keep them calm and comfortable.

Cover photo: Collage: Unsplash/Victoriano Izquierdo/Илья Мельниченко

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