What are the cuddliest cat breeds? A top 10 list
Do you want to spend your evenings cuddled up in front of the TV with your fluffy, purring four-pawed friend? If so, here are the ten cuddliest cat breeds in the world.

When it comes to adopting a new furry friend, everyone attaches importance to different characteristics. While some want active and adventurous kitties, others want cats that want to spend most of their time snoozing, cuddled up in your lap.
Of course, every individual cat is different - but for those who want a calm and sweet kitty, there are a few breeds to look out for.
So these are the top ten cuddliest cat breeds in the world. From the rich purrs of the Maine coon to the cheekiness of the ragdoll, if you choose one of these cats you are almost guaranteed a kitty that's keen for a cuddle.
What cat breeds are the cuddliest?
When looking for a cuddly cat, there are a few things you need to pay attention to. It's not just about the fluff, though that of course helps, it's also about the attitude, the habits, the abilities, and the needs of a particular kitty. Cats that want to spend lots of time outside hunting, for example, are not particularly likely to want much to do with us when they're indoors.
Here are a few things to look out for in a cuddly cat breed:
- Does the cat like to be pet, or does it slink away when you try to touch it?
- Does the cat approach you with curiosity and start meowing?
- Does the cat purr and rub its head against you?
- How much attention does the cat give to you? The more attention the better.
- Does the cat arch its back and rub its sides against your legs?
- Does the cat jump up onto your lap, hoping to be pet?
- What is the goal of the cat at this moment, is it showing you affection out of desire for cuddles, or for food?
- Does the cat sit next to or near you?
- Does the cat constantly follow you around?
Of course, there's no way to test all of these things out when you are adopting, but there are a few things that you can determine. For starters, make sure to ask about the cat's personality before you take them home!

10. Persian
Persians are an extremely gentle breed known for being incredibly affectionate and cuddly towards their caregivers. These cats enjoy the attention of their favorite person, love a good sleep, and are always happy to be stroked extensively. At the same time, these elegant and sensitive beauties are incredibly calm and relaxed, and will generally try to avoid any situation in which they need to be alert or move suddenly.
9. Chartreux

The Chartreux, also known as the Carthusian, likes to be calm and relaxed whenever it can. Grey cats with beautiful amber eyes, these gorgeous little darlings are incredibly friendly and loving towards their humans, and are especially great around children. Due to their gentle nature and their need for love, the Chartreux is undeniably one of the cuddliest cat breeds in the world.
8. Burmese

The character of a Burmese cat is very similar to that of a Siamese, but differs in that it doesn't really like to be left alone. Indeed, these fluff balls are so clingy that they are susceptible not only to issues with anxiety, but severe separation anxiety in particular. Burmese cats love to be surrounded by their friends and family, love to be cuddles, and are often very sensitive, happy, and relaxed.
7. Siamese

One of the most famous cat breeds in the world, there are few kitties more beloved than the humble Siamese. These kitties love to be part of everyday family life, and often bond with one particular human. They can be quite dominant and often try to get their way, walking through life with a loud and talkative nature that can be both adorable and incredibly irritating. This intelligent cat breed is also incredibly loving, making the Siamese one of the world's least stressful and most cuddly cats in the world.
6. Ragamuffin

Ragamuffins have both a sweet name and a sweet temperament. Few kitties are more quirky and curious than these fluffy boys, and few kitties are as cuddly. They're the perfect combination, really, complete with a giant coat of fur that acts like a cushion when you do the inevitable and use your fluffy friend as a pillow. What makes them even better, though, is that being used as such will be par-for-the-course for a ragamuffin, which will endlessly push for more petting.
5. Scottish fold

Famous for their folded ears, the Scottish fold is a strange but weirdly wonderful creature. Often sporting rather curious faces, with foreheads that seem far too small when compared to their eyes, these small-eared creatures are endlessly friendly and will always want to be accompanied by their beloved humans. The fact of the matter is that no matter how unusual the Scottish fold is, it's also one of the loveliest and cuddliest cats out there.
4. Russian blue

Another famous breed, the Russian blue is a little more unpredictable than most other cats on this list. It is that unpredictability, though, that makes the Russian blue so endlessly loveable, and makes you appreciate its affection even more. While it may sometimes want to be left alone, and may often head out to hunt, its love and affection will come in droves when you're sitting in front of the TV at night. The cuddles will come by the thousand.
3. Maine coons

One of the world's most unique cat breeds, the Maine coon is not just big in size, but big in heart as well. These cats are a great mix of cuddly and playful. Curious and affectionate, they always want to be part of the action, challenged to play with their humans as well as cuddle. Maine coons are insanely fluffy, insanely friendly, and insanely cuddly. What more could you want in a feline friend?
2. British shorthair

British shorthairs are calm and friendly creatures that enchant the hearts of their loved ones and are always keen to cuddle. If you give them the love they desire and, above all, a stable home, they will feel happy and safe with you, and will live a long life. Capable of adapting to different circumstances, British shorthairs don't like constant changes, and would prefer to simply cuddle up to their humans, both giving and receiving more love than almost any other breed.
1. Ragdoll

With their huge white coats and incredibly cheeky facial expressions, the ragdoll is one of the funniest and cuddliest cats in the world. These blue-eyed beauties have a particular love of cuddling, using their affectionate and gentle nature to forge bonds that'll never be broken. It's important to note, though, that ragdolls are so sweet and so full of love that they can get actively angry – and ridiculously naughty – when you leave them alone.
Why do we like cuddly cats?
Pets, both cats and dogs, offer a huge health benefit to their loving owners. These fluffy fellows help lower our risk of heart attack, alleviate mental health issues, and provide comfort when things get particularly rough. Assuming that you are not allergic to cats, it is more likely than not that a kitty will greatly improve your quality of life. (Here's some non-shedding and hypoallergenic cat breeds if you are.)
When it comes to the act of cuddling, Dr. Patricia Pendry of Washington State University points towards a feeling of being "special" and "chosen" as one of the primary reasons why we like the attention. Seeing as cats are in many ways more difficult to develop a relationship with than dogs, the eventual love of such a creature is ever the more satisfying.
According to Dr. Pendry, our cats "give us attention, relieve our loneliness, provide comfort, fun, and play, affection, and special unique permission to pet them and keep them on our laps." She then points out that this act then releases oxytocin, which then reduces stress and brings on a feeling of happiness.
"I believe the benefits are mutual," she explained. “As long as the affection we give them is welcomed, they derive similar comforts and a sense of belonging from us.”
The cuddliest cat breeds bring us endless joy
Ultimately, a cat's love will be incredibly rewarding and bring a lot of joy to your life, regardless of its breed. Cats featured in this list are more likely to be affectionate and cuddly than others, but that neither means that you are guaranteed they will always be up for being held, nor that a different cat breed won't be cuddly.
So try to make your choice of cat based not only on the breed, but on the personality of the four-legged friend in question. Find out everything you can, talk to the pet store, shelter, or cat owner, spend some time with the fluff ball, and make an informed decision.
Cover photo: 123RF/Aksenovko