Top 10 cool cat breeds
Few creatures are as versatile as the domestic cat, which can range from dopey and docile to cool and slick depending on not only the individual but also the breed. So, what are the coolest cat breeds?

Whether you're living in the woods, in a terrace apartment, or in a townhouse, you're bound to want a caring kitty living in your home.
The thing is, you want your cat to be the coolest one out there, the king of the street, the cream of the crop.
What breeds should you look at when search for the coolest cat in the world? We've got a few suggestions for you.
What makes a cat cool?
So what actually makes a cat cool? Is it the sleek fur or the quizzical eyes? Is it the judgement that lives at the base of your kitty's cranium, or is it the tail, whipping backwards and forwards like a long, agitated question mark? Many cats are simply cool from their looks, while others are cool due to their behavior.
The coolest of cats will follow you around not screaming for attention, but staying just far enough out of reach to be a pain in the butt. It's a cat that will stand by the door, force you to open it, and then sit there without actually going outside. It's an annoying, but endlessly lovable, feline friend.
Ultimately, a cool cat is a kitty that makes you feel equally loved, needed, and judged, all at the same time. It's a cat that's intelligent and looks sleek, simply screaming with self-confidence.
Coolest cat breeds in the world: Top 10
The coolest cat breeds in the world are more than guaranteed to bring both a smile and a smirk to your face. These ten breeds will constantly behave like they're king of the hill, ask for things, and keep you on the backhand as much as they can.
If you want a cat that'll keep everyone happy, but will also generally stay out of the way, one of these top 10 coolest breeds in the world would certainly be an excellent choice.

10. Maine coon
There are few cats in the world more happy and joyful than the Maine coon, but that doesn't mean it's just going to give its affection away for free. Maine coons are fascinating, strange cats, and are often quite contradictory in their behavior. They're not always going to be agreeable, but they are always going to be within sight. As a result, the Maine coon is almost certainly a cool cat.
9. Bengal

With a coat like this, you could hardly blame a Bengal for thinking itself to be head of the pack. After all, these creatures truly look like the tigers that roam through the jungles of their namesake, with beautiful colors and gorgeous patterns coating their backs, sides, legs, and tails. The Bengal is, most certainly, the domestic tiger – and what a beauty it is, too!
8. Persian

Persian cats give off an air of a creature that eternally wants to be left alone, while also staying in sight. These creatures are the ultimate warm and friendly grumps, with an irascible face that gives off the impression of constant annoyance. These kitties often look like they have better things they could be doing. It's not surprising, then, that the Persian cat adds to this a confidence that exudes the temperament of a cool kid who knows their social status.
7. Sphynx

Let's be real – the sphynx has a massive ancient statue built in its honor, towering over Egypt, so it deserves to be classed as cool. While these hairless cats may hardly be the most appealing of this list's litter, they are certainly one of the more unique entries and a cat well worth your time. The sphynx thinks it is cool, and constantly gives off a charming-yet-separate vibe that basically defines "coolness" in cats.
6. Burmese

These funny-looking critters might not have the looks of a traditionally cool cat, and are certainly not going to be riding a skateboard with a backwards cap on anytime soon, but that doesn't mean they can't be cool kids. In the case of the Burmese, its coolness comes down to its temperament, slightly distant but forever friendly. These cats aren't troubled by much, and they show it in their behavior.
5. Manx

The Manx looks both sweet and cool at the same time, doesn't it? These strikingly colored kitties are insanely fun to play with, and love to get plenty of attention. Yet, they also need to be left to their own devices sometimes and often like to roam around the neighborhood like they own the place, picking fights with local cats and acting all cool and careless.
4. Ragdoll

The ragdoll expresses its innate "coolness" by generally ignoring you and then doing something absolutely outrageous when it's not happy. Cute and fluffy friends that are great for families and apartment dwellers alike, these kitties can be demons when you do something wrong. While generally leaving you be, it is not unusual for a ragdoll to relieve itself in your suitcase when you are packing for a holiday, for example.
3. Scottish fold

With ears folded over and looks on their faces of pure puzzlement, there are few cats in the world that can look more judgmental than the Scottish fold. It might seem a little unfair – what did these little dudes ever do to you, after all? – but we can assure you it's true. The Scottish fold is one of the coolest cats in the world, and will always seek to impress you with its behavior, moodiness, and vibes. We'd say "What's not to love?" – but that goes without saying.
2. British shorthair

One of the oldest surviving cat breeds in the world, the fact that the British shorthair used to serve at the behest of ancient Roman soldiers more than guarantees it deserves the title of "cool cat." It is a calm and relaxed cat that is happy to be around you and completely fine with being left alone sometimes as well. There's really nothing to complain about here – they are perfect and beautiful cats that make great family companions.
1. Russian blue

The coolest kitty in the litter is, and will always be, the Russian blue. These unbelievable cats have a look of seriousness about them that is unparalleled. You could easily imagine one of these beautiful kitties donning a tuxedo, popping a pair of sunglasses on, and going undercover at a casino. This is the James Bond of cats – ironic, because Bond always used to fight the Russians.
Whether it's the Russian blue or the Burmese, a cool cat will often seem to keep its difference. Don't worry, though, because it still loves you. After all, your kind kitty relies on you for everything, and it's not going to be "too cool for food."
Cover photo: Unsplash/Erika Löwe