Best colorpoint cat breeds: Top 10
Colorpoint cats are some of the most wonderful in the world, with coats that impress at every opportunity. What makes a colorpoint cat so great, though, and what are the best colorpoint cat breeds?

There are few cat breeds that can even parallel park next to the gorgeous coats donned by the colorpoint.
With simple yet elegant fur patterns that give an impression of sophistication, these are not only some of the most adorable cat breeds out there, but some of the sweetest as well.
What are our favorite colorpoint cats? Let's take a look.
What is a colorpoint cat?
A colorpoint cat is not a breed or type of cat, but a kitty that has a fur pattern type characterized by the combination of a solid and bicolor coat. Typically, these cats have fur that is predominantly one color, with little bits of darkened color or black emphasizing different features.
In general, a colorpoint cat will have a lighter-colored coat, with a darker emphasis around the face, inside the ears, on the paws, and elsewhere. These cats are often incredibly adorable and beautiful, with darker sections of the coat accenting their features and giving off an incredibly elegant vibe.
If you're interested: If you are curious about colorpoint cats, it might be worth your while to check out our deep-dive into different cat coat types, fur patterns, and designs. It's a fascinating subject, and endlessly adorable, so check it out!
Colorpoint cat colors

While most colorpoint cats feature a lighter, often white coat, with darker features on its extremities (face, tail, paws), this is not always the case. Instead, colorpoint cats can come in all sorts of different shades and designs, with different color combinations giving off different vibes.
Here are some of the most common colorpoint cat color combinations:
- White body, black extremities
- White or cream body, gray extremities
- White body, orange/ginger extremities
- Black coat, white extremities
- Brown coat, white extremities
Remember that the coat type and design of your cat, and the color of its fur, has no bearing on its temperament or personality. Rumors that orange cats are naughtier, for example, are just rumors.
Important: These are only a few of the many different colorpoint cat coat colors. There are many other combinations out there, so don't be surprised if you see something different to what we have listed here.
Top 10 colorpoint cat breeds
There is a vast assortment of colorpoint cat breeds out there in the world, each with their unique looks and personalities. From the Balinese to the ragdoll, your choice should as always center around the personality and vibe you desire, rather than the physical appearance of your feline friend.
When it comes to our favorite colorpoint cat breeds, though, we are not only basing our choices around their looks. We want to give you the best recommendations possible, so we have thought about their personalities as well as their physical characteristics.
Join us in investigating some of the most beautiful and friendly colorpoint cat breeds in the world. Our top ten favorite cat breeds are more than guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

10. Colorpoint shorthair
The colorpoint shorthair is a subgroup of the domestic shorthair, one of the most common cat breeds in the world. Often featuring a few minor stripes on its legs, these beautiful cats are particularly stunning due to the colorpoint patterns on their face.
If you are looking for a visually impressive colorpoint cat, one that'll make you go "wow," look no further than the colorpoint shorthair.
9. Balinese cat

Balinese cats are incredible creatures, and especially beautiful when they feature colorpoint coats.
These kind kitties are more than willing to snuggle up to their owners, but can also be quite wild and adventurous when the mood hits them and they want to head out on their own.
The Balinese is a great animal, and well worth adopting.
8. Birman

Birmans are relatively unknown colorpoint cats, but endlessly adorable.
These soft, fluffy creatures feature a coat of clouds that puffs up like a Samoyed.
They are friendly, happy, and always up for a hug and cuddle, but can be a little timid towards people that they don't know.
If you want an unusual cat breed that'll steal your heart and run away with it, the Birman's your guy.
7. Javanese cat

Striking in its pose and look, the Javanese cat is a kitty that will never let you forget it.
Handsome and robust in its build, this is a true and proper cat and one that needs to be allowed outdoors, hunting and looking for curiosities to bring back home for its owners.
To make matters even better, the Javanese is a beautiful colorpoint cat that's more than likely to please.
6. Himalayan cat

Himalayans are strange, strange cats, both in their look and personalities.
A cat that can be kept both inside and outside, the Himalayan is a colorpoint breed that can't really be compared to anything else.
With a permanently grumpy expression on its face, Himalayans are incredibly cute, cuddly, and funny.
They are, however, a little bit distant at times, and will always push for things to go their way.
5. British longhair

The British longhair is rarely talked about, but actually one of the most adorable four-pawed fellows to ever walk this Earth.
Relax, take a step back, and admire this divine beast, this creature of the heavens, this swallow of the swamp.
Often with unusual patterns in its fur, but uniquely colorpoint blemishes, the British shorthair is a cat worthy of your attention and your love.
4. Thai cat

Another unknown kitty, there is no cat in the world that looks more "Colorpoint" than the Thai.
These beautiful creatures aren't widely appreciated but feature dark ears, jet-black noses, and eyes that pierce into your soul with every passing blink.
There is nothing to be afraid of, though, because once their silent judgment has passed, the Thai cat will become the snuggliest and sweetest buddy on the block.
3. Siamese cats

The Siamese is an absolute classic and one of the world's most famous cats.
Luckily, they are also famously colorpoint!
With big ears and deep eyes, these fluffy dudes come in all types and varieties.
Some are calm and happy, others are more sinister and prefer the company of themselves to others.
Either way, if you're looking for a colorpoint cat, there are few kitties that can compare to the Siamese.
2. Snowshoe cat

Snowshoe cats get their name from the snow-white fur of their feet, a true staple of the colorpoint kind.
These wonderful cats are friendly and inhabit every box you could really hope to tick off when it comes to getting yourself a fluffy companion.
Is there anything sweeter and more wonderful than the love of a feline friend? If not, then a snowshoe cat is more than happy to play that role in your new family.
1. Ragdoll

Is there anything that can be said about the ragdoll that hasn't already been said?
Well, on top of being fantastic in many other ways, the ragdoll is quite possibly the best colorpoint cat out there.
Friendly, happy, funny, and full of personality, these are cats more than willing to spend time with you – just make sure to keep your suitcase closed when you're packing or these sneaky creatures will climb on board.
With a ragdoll, you're more than set for the whole package – adorable looks, funny behavior, and kind nature. To be honest, though, you'll be well-served by any of these fantastic colorpoint cat breeds. Think about what you want, and make an informed choice.
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