Cat meow meanings: Why is my cat meowing weird?
Cats are often rather friendly creatures, chirping and purring, giving us that warmth and love that we all crave. Yet, sometimes there's just a sense that something is wrong. Is your cat meowing weirdly, perhaps?

Any severe and sudden change in a cat's behavior can be a bad sign and needs to be looked at by a veterinarian as soon as humanly possible.
Meowing is quite the same, and while different chirps will have different meanings and kitty body language is equally important, a change in the tone or emotion of the meow could be a sign that something is wrong.
It's time to guide you through why your cat's meow might have suddenly changed. Why is your cat meowing weirdly, what does it mean, and what should you do about it? Let's find out.
Cat meow meanings: Why is my cat meowing weirdly all of a sudden?
If your cat's voice has changed, you need to know why. While sometimes your kitty might just have a minor cold or a bit of a sore throat, the chance of a serious infection or illness is enough that proper medical support should be sought. Still, having a basic understanding beforehand of what it could potentially be is also important.
Most of the time a change in your cat's meow will be nothing to worry about, but if it is accompanied by behavioral changes, other symptoms, or is particularly prolonged, it might be time to go to the vet. Here's why your cat is meowing weirdly.

1. Sexual maturity
In much the same way that our voices drop and change once we go into puberty, your cat's meow will do the same. Once cats start going into heat or are generally ready to mate, their voices will change. You will know that this is the cause of the voice change due to a variety of other physical changes, and also the inevitable advice of your vet.
In addition, when a cat is particularly aroused or is actively interested in another feline friend, it may start to make very odd noises. Your kitty may start to give drawn-out yowls that can be rather funny – but also frightening. In such a situation, it's best to grab your cat and get going – unless you want a litter of kittens, that is.
Important: If sexual maturity is on the cards, it's time to get your cat neutered. Additionally, reading up on cats in heat is a very good idea to get an understanding of what you've got yourself into.
2. Inflammation or irritation
If your cat has started meowing violently and hissing a lot, it may be in pain due to an inflammation or irritation. This infliction has likely caused your cat to become hoarse and may be causing quite a bit of distress. In many cases, this may be caused by something innocuous that will go away, but because it may be something more serious, it's off to the vet you go.
When a cat has also been going through a particularly intense shedding season and has experienced many fur balls of late, its throat may have become hoarse from all the gagging. This can also happen if your kitty has been gagging or vomiting, as it can inflame the throat and cause soreness.
More seriously, though, infections like laryngitis could be the cause, or a variety of possible viruses or bacteria. Dust can be a particularly annoying cause, as it's hard to solve, but things like gas or smoke inhalation can also create inflammation. In most of these cases, though, other symptoms will likely accompany the strange meow.
In any case, if you suspect an inflamed throat or some kind of irritation, it's best to seek medical advice from your veterinarian. If it is laryngitis, for example, your cat can get severely sick.
3. Illness

Going off a similar theme to the previous section, there are a vast array of different illnesses and diseases that can cause your cat's meow to change. If your kitty has a cold, for example, it will likely meow strangely and sound a bit croaky. It's important to get on top of a cat cold, though, because they don't have the same immunity to such diseases as we humans do.
Other symptoms that may accompany a cat whose voice is weird due to an illness include the following:
- Sniffling
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes
- Sluggishness
- General unhappiness
- Difficulty swallowing
- Lack of appetite
- Noisy breathing
- Head lowered while standing
- Difficulty breathing
- Bad breath
- Runny nose
If your cat's immune system has been weakened by a cold or something serious, it may be caused by a virus. In such a case, it's best to avoid things that could potentially promote respiratory disease, including: Poor nutrition, stress, cold and wet weather, and smoking households.
4. Allergies
Yes, cats can get allergies, too, and the symptoms of these allergies can cause a temporary change in your cat's meow. It's not generally anything to worry about, but many cats are allergic to something or another, whether that be food or just a general dust allergy, much like many of us humans have to suffer through.
It's worth watching out for the signs of an allergic reaction; they include:
- Itching
- Respiratory problems
- Rashes
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes
- Ear infections
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
It is possible that your cat is allergic to mites, mold, pollen, dust, or ingredients in its food. In any case, taking it to the vet should help you determine what that allergy is and how to manage it.
5. Foreign bodies
Finally, a change in your cat's meow could simply be caused by something being lodged in its throat. The most likely offender is, of course, a fur ball, and this would not be such a worry as it is completely normal. Of course, if it is something that is actively causing your cat to gag and doesn't seem to be coming out, then it is time for a trip to the vet.
In many cases, things like a hairball, a little bit of grass, bits of food, or similar are to blame for weird meows. Your kitty is likely unhappy about it being there and may even try to throw it up.
Important: If your cat has started gagging, isn't throwing anything up, and doesn't seem to be breathing or making any noises at all, it could be choking. As a cat owner, it is good to know cat first aid and CPR so that you can help in such a situation.

What to do: Go to the vet if your cat meows weirdly
If your cat has started meowing in a weird or troubling way, your solution should simply be to take it immediately to the veterinarian. There are no ifs, ands, or buts; you are not a medical professional, and you cannot be certain that the cause is what you think it may be. Take your kitty to the vet, get it diagnosed, and rest easy at night.
Cats might meow weirdly if they are sick, have something stuck in their throat, are allergic to something they have eaten, have recently reached sexual maturity, or have some kind of inflammation or irritation. As you can tell from this list, the causes of a strange meow or a loss of voice are varied - some not too worrying, some potentially dangerous.
Go to the veterinarian, get some medical advice, have some tests done, and give your kitty the medical attention it needs. If you do so, it will live a long, healthy, and happy life – in other words, it's worth the trouble.
Cover photo: Unsplash/Sandy Millar