Cat brings terrifying "gift" to owner!

South Shields, UK - A woman in England got quite a scare after her cat brought an alarming "gift" into the apartment!

A woman in England found this tarantula in her apartment after her cat dragged it in.
A woman in England found this tarantula in her apartment after her cat dragged it in.  © Screenshot/Facebook/Vanessa Lincoln

Vanessa Lincoln from South Shields has five cats, so she's used to the occasional "little present" from the felines.

Dead seagulls, mice, and rats have already been left by her mischievous animals.

But when Vanessa came home from an eleven-hour shift on August 21, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw something dark on the kitchen tiles.

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Taking a closer look, she learned her cat Suki had dragged in something much worse: a tarantula was squatting in the middle of the room!

Per the Daily Star, the 33-year-old gathered her courage, put the giant creature in a plastic tub, and then dialed 911.

She was then told that the trapped spider was apparently just its shredded skin, but that was far from comforting as that meant the beast might still be in her home!

Vanessa was in for another shock after speaking with an employee at a reptile shop who told her that, based on the spider's size, it was probably a female that could be nesting in her home.

Where did the tarantula go?

Cat owner Vanessa Lincoln received a tarantula skeleton as a "gift" from her beloved pet.
Cat owner Vanessa Lincoln received a tarantula skeleton as a "gift" from her beloved pet.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/nesssalincoln1990

Vanessa asked her neighbors if anyone was missing their tarantula and shared posts of the furry creature on social media, but no one seemed to have lost a pet.

Speaking to Daily Star, the woman claimed she had barely slept for more than a week because she kept thinking the creepy crawly might be lurking somewhere in her apartment.

"The worst part is my cats are so soft; they don't have that pack instinct, and they would just play with it," she said.

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In the meantime, she has taken all the frames and artwork off the wall. She doesn't dare close her curtains, and she even sleeps on the recliner in case the tarantula is perched under her bed.

"I'm still looking for it, the annoying thing is it might just be my paranoia, but I feel like I'm finding webs everywhere," she added.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/nesssalincoln1990 & Screenshot/Facebook/Vanessa Lincoln

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