"A for effort": Cat delights TikTok with hilariously underwhelming "meow"!

A viral TikTok video is making the rounds featuring a cat who wants more than anything to "meow like a big boy." While he doesn't quite manage it, users are rolling with laughter at his noble attempts!

A viral TikTok video is making the rounds featuring a cat who wants more than anything to "meow like a big boy." While he doesn't quite manage it, users are rolling with laughter at his noble attempts!
A viral TikTok video is making the rounds featuring a cat who wants more than anything to "meow like a big boy." While he doesn't quite manage it, users are rolling with laughter at his noble attempts!  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@toastybiscuit

TikTok user @toastybiscuit is making waves on the app for their hilarious viral cat video. The account, made for a cat named Biscuit, is captioned, "a big blond boy with a tiny meow," if that gives any indication.

Footage from the video shows Biscuit the cat trying valiantly to meow – and adorably failing, as only the tiniest sound comes out!

The video's on-screen text reads, "Poor Biscuit tries his best to meow like a big boy but the most he can get out is the tiniest raspiest 'ach.'"

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Underneath the clip reads the caption: "A for effort."

The post now sits at over 252,000 views and counting since it was first shared on Monday!

TikTok users adore Biscuit the cat and his adorably underwhelming voice

Users on TikTok are obsessed with Buscuit and his plight.

"He's on silent mode," one user wrote, with another suggesting that "he hasn't warmed up his vocal cords yet."

A third user sweetly added, "He's trying and that's all that matters."

While it's not known exactly why Biscuit the cat has trouble vocalizing, he's more than enough for us just as he is!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@toastybiscuit

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