Blind cow finally finds a friend after 19 lonely years of living on a factory farm

Mantua, New Jersey - The touching tale of a blind cow shows how friendship is one of the most important parts of life for all creatures, regardless of species.

After her rescue, Helen the blind cow is free to enjoy her life at Uncle Neil's Home sanctuary.
After her rescue, Helen the blind cow is free to enjoy her life at Uncle Neil's Home sanctuary.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@uncleneilshome

Uncle Neil's Home animal sanctuary in New Jersey takes in farm animals so that they can live out the rest of their lives in peace. The organization recently rescued Helen, a blind cow born on a dairy farm in 2004, who was forced to endure 14 pregnancies before the age of 15.

The sanctuary posted a video of Helen's rescue on TikTok, which has since been viewed more than 788,000 times.

"After 19 years alone in a stall, we brought her to [the] sanctuary where she is meeting her first friend," the farm wrote on the video.

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In it, employees can be seen helping Helen into the back of a transport vehicle and then unloading her at the bucolic sanctuary.

Lonely Helen the blind cow finds a friend at long last

Cows Helen and Mama definitely got things off on the right hoof.
Cows Helen and Mama definitely got things off on the right hoof.  © Screenshot/TikTok/@uncleneilshome

Her rescuers wanted to find her a companion, but her blindness and other health issues proved to be a problem.

"Because she is blind, slower than everyone else, and suffers from arthritis, it would have been life-threatening for her to be with our main herd or to be paired with someone who didn't suit her," the sanctuary wrote under the video.

A solution eventually emerged organically when a cow named Mama – who is significantly older than the rest of the cows at the sanctuary – slowly began to separate from the herd.

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Mama had also lived on a dairy farm for ten years, and there was an instant connection between the two cows upon first meeting. Helen began to lovingly lick Mama's head and soon the two snuggled their heads together eating hay.

We don't know about you, but this looks to us like the beginning of a be-moo-tiful friendship.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@uncleneilshome

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