Baby gorilla's integration into zoo troop progresses adorably!
Cleveland, Ohio - Baby gorilla Jameela's caregivers have been busy at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, and while the young animal isn't fully integrated just yet, she's already thriving!

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo took to social media on Thursday to share an update on Jameela, the baby gorilla who was recently transferred to Ohio.
"Jameela continues to do really well. She's incredibly healthy. She's very strong," a zoo employee said in the video.
Like human babies, she's practicing tummy time and growing rapidly, but unlike human babies, she's learning to ride on her caregivers' backs because that's how her foster mama, Fredrika – or Freddy – likes to carry her babies.
The zoo is taking troop integration slowly, as they want to make sure Freddy bonds well with Jameela.
Luckily, it's going smoothly, and Jameela is one step closer to her next introduction to the troop. She spends most of her time near the other gorillas and gets all her bottles next to the group.
The Cleveland gorilla team hopes to do another introduction with Jameela soon. However, they've got some work to do, as Jameela's big-brother-to-be, Kyembe is still learning how to be gentle with the baby.
Baby gorilla works on boding with new zoo family

It takes any family time to get used to a new baby, and the same goes for Cleveland Zoo's gorilla troop, especially Jameela's big-brother-to-be, Kyembe.
Like any toddler, he's a little too wild with his new little sister, so caregivers are practicing "gentle touches" with him and using positive reinforcement to support this behavior.
Instagram users are smitten with Jameela and celebrated the update in the comments.
"The grip these gorillas have on me is insane. The whole story is amazing! Love the updates & tummy time has never looked so adorable!" one user said.
Many commenters noted the parallels between this gorilla troop and human families.
"Toddler sibling gorillas, working on the gentle touches, just like humans lol," another gushed.
Fingers crossed that Jameela and the Clevland troop keep growing closer!
Cover photo: Screenshot/Instagram/clemetzoo