Baby foxes cry for help from swimming pool until rescue comes

Tunbridge Wells, UK - These little fox kits were all alone in a swimming pool and are lucky not to have drowned! Now an animal welfare organization is taking care of four orphans.

They're probably not quite comfortable with humans yet, but for now the fox kits are safe.
They're probably not quite comfortable with humans yet, but for now the fox kits are safe.  © Screenshot/Facebook/The Fox Project

The kits – Adam, Duncan, Becki, and Sharron – are still looking a little shy from behind a blanket in a cardboard box, as they probably need to recover from the stresses and strains of the last few days.

All of them owe their survival to a woman who got in touch with The Fox Project after finding them.

The Fox Project, a British animal welfare organization, has now reported on its new charges via Facebook.

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According to the report, the animals were stuck in a disused swimming pool.

But because it was raining a lot at the time, the pool gradually filled up with water. Sooner or later, it could have become a death trap for the poor little foxes.

Frightened of the rising water, they screamed for their lives, which the witness thankfully heard.

Fox kits remain in care until old enough to be released into wild

The four fox kits were cowering in this old swimming pool when they were found.
The four fox kits were cowering in this old swimming pool when they were found.  © Screenshot/Facebook/The Fox Project

When she discovered the quartet, they had found a small, still relatively dry corner where the kits could snuggle up together.

The rescuer acted immediately and climbed into the pool, pulled the foxes out, and dried them off.

When the team from The Fox Project arrived, they first tried to reunite the kits with their mother – unfortunately without success. It is not known whether they found her at all.

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And so the babies remain in the care of the rescue for the time being until they grow up and are strong enough to be released back into the wild.

Until then, the four will probably be spoiled a little bit longer!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Facebook/The Fox Project

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