Baby bears get stuck when mama bear tries a daring rescue

Florina, Greece - Three bear cubs got into a dicey situation at a dam, and even their mama bear couldn't rescue her babies! But when nearby hunters discovered the trapped animals, they stepped in to help.

Three bear cubs couldn't make it out of an irrigation canal in the north of Greece without some human help (stock image).
Three bear cubs couldn't make it out of an irrigation canal in the north of Greece without some human help (stock image).  © Unsplash/Suzanne Rushton

Hunters in Greece found themselves in a beary hair situation when they stumbled across some baby bears on Thursday who needed a helping hand.

They then called the Greek wildlife welfare organization ARCTUROS for some assistance.

The interaction was captured on film, as the mother tried in vain to lead her cubs back out of the canal after getting stuck below. Even as the mama climbs down to join the cubs, her rescue mission needs a lift.

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According to a press release from the wildlife organization, the worried mother bear initially moved away from her babies due to the gathering of people, but maintained eye contact with her offspring.

The mom finally succeeded, with the help of rescuers, to free the three cubs.

"The little bears subsequently ran into the forest," spokesperson for ARCTUROS Panos Stefanou told dpa.

Workers with the organization have continued to monitor the babies as they returned to life on their own.

Locals have made sure a similar incident won't happen again. The dam was immediately fitted with wooden pallets to make it easier for distressed animals to get out of the canal in the future.

Cover photo: Unsplash/Suzanne Rushton

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