Australian man makes the catch of his life
Australia - When an Aussie man reeled in his catch, he couldn't believe what he was pulling out of the water. Luckily, a camera was there to record it all.

Angler Trent de With was fishing in Australia's Norther Territory on October 19 when he managed to hook a giant crocodile, according to FOX13.
A friend filmed the scene and shared it on the popular Facebook page Rod and Rifle Tackleworld Katherine, where it quickly went viral.
Over 1.9 million people were hooked watching de With struggling to get back his line from the crocodile.
"Anyone want to get that back for me?", the man joked in the video.
But the animal didn't give up without a fight.
Fisherman won fight against crocodile

However, de With eventually won the battle and got his bait back. No one involved was hurt.
"Here we were just trolling along with a classic 200 and this fella decides he wants to have a crack at it. Managed to get the lure back! Although it doesn’t track as straight as it use to," he wrote in his post.
De With said that accidentally hooking the reptiles is not uncommon in the area.
Cover photo: Montage: Facebook/Screenshots/Rod & Rifle TackleWorld Katherine