This rabbit is so ridiculously fluffy that it won a world record!

Morgan Hill, California - Betty Chu had a magical little creature living with her. So magical, in fact, that its fluffy fur was longer and puffier than the fur of any other rabbit in history!

Betty Chu had a magical little creature living with her. So magical, in fact, that its fluffy fur was longer and puffier than the fur of any other rabbit in history!
Betty Chu had a magical little creature living with her. So magical, in fact, that its fluffy fur was longer and puffier than the fur of any other rabbit in history!  © Screenshot/X/@GWR

It usually takes a lot to achieve an animal world record, but when it comes to Betty Chu's extraordinary rabbit Franchesca, the award comes easily.

This beautiful jumper loves a good carrot but mostly likes to lie around on her belly all day, showing off her luscious locks.

Why is Franchesca such a cool cottontail, and what won her the record?

What is the world's longest rabbit fur?

Franchesca the rabbit holds the world record for having the longest fur on a rabbit, at a whopping 14.37 inches in length. The award was given by Guinness World Records on August 17, 2014 and is yet to be overtaken despite a decade having passed since it was handed out.

An English angora rabbit, Franchesca was part of a breed known for its bizarre look and overly fluffy fur. In a way, these four-pawed fellows are so covered in puffy fur that they look like mini sheep, hopping around the yard waiting to be sheered and turned into a hat.

Featuring the longest fur in the history of rabbitkind, Franchesca wandered around seemingly without a care in the world. She was quite heavy for a rabbit, weighing about seven pounds and finding herself the winner in many a competition over her few years on Earth.

Sadly, Franchesca passed away a while ago, leaving behind a loving legacy filled with people who admired her and those who wondered how a creature so small could leave such an impact. Her fur was perhaps her most iconic feature, but she was also an unbelievably friendly little bunny and always wanted to spend time with her beloved humans.

Throughout her life, Franchesca stayed in one home with her owner Betty Chu. She had been born there, lived with Betty her whole life, and left a hole when she died.

"She was a sweet pet that was loved by me and my family," Betty said of Franchesca's passing. "She lived a full life."

How did this rabbit get hair quite this long?

The angora rabbit is an ancient breed of domestic rabbit known for long coats that are referred to by many as "angora wool." They have been sheered for centuries and used in the production of various garments due to their allergy-free qualities and immensely soft, warm, and fluffy texture.

When it comes to Franchesca, however, it's all down to how well Betty Chu looked after her. According to her owner, Franchesca's wool "was easy to care for; beautiful, soft, and gorgeous."

"When I eventually gave her a haircut, her wool was hand-spun and hand-knitted into a beautiful scarf," explained Betty Chu. According to her, Franchesca was bred not to molt, likely so that her fur could be harvested, and this meant that it continued to grow to enormous lengths.

To keep the quality of her fur on point, Chu fed her a mixture of standard rabbit pellets but also bread, veggies, and fruit as well. She was groomed and exercised every single day to maintain her health and the quality of her coat.

Franchesca achieved the record after Guinness World Records reached out to Betty Chu over the length of her fur. It was established that to beat the record the fur had to be longer than nine inches. It was at this point that Betty decided to employ the help of her veterinarian, Dr. Pete Keesling.

"Dr. Keesling measured 10 different pieces of her wool and each measurement was videotaped and photographed," explained Betty Chu. "The average of these 10 measurements came to 36.5 cm or 14.37 inches."

"When the time came, Guinness World Records published the 2016 book and put it on the website as the lead record of that year... I informed my friends via my club blog and other means," she added.

Franchesca is an incredible bunny, with fur so long and majestic that she deserves far more praise than a simple world record could ever afford her. Look at that fluff ball! What's not to love?

Cover photo: Screenshot/X/@GWR

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