What is the biggest cow in the world?
Cows are some of the sweetest and funniest creatures to inhabit our farms and fields. Yet, as big as cows generally get, few rival the size of this mighty steer – the biggest cow in the world.

Brilliant bovines and cackling cattle, there are few creatures more calm and beautiful than humble cow kind.
Chowing down on the greenest of grass and chiming the coolest bells in the business, it's not unusual to find yourself in the company of a large cow – but not one this big.
Which bovine beast takes home the animal world record for being the biggest cow on the planet? TAG24 takes a look at the biggest cow's weight, height, and size, and a deep dive into the creature's heartwarming life story.
What is the biggest cow in the world?
Towering over his owner, Tommy from Cheshire Massachusetts is considered the world's tallest living cow. Considering the pure size of this beast, as well as the fact that a steer is a kind of male cow, this also makes Tommy the biggest cow in the world, as confirmed by Guinness World Records.
It's a truly remarkable achievement for bovine kind, especially considering the fact that Tommy is continuing to "just keep on growing and growing," according to his owner's daughter Laurie Cuevas. Tommy is a purebred brown Swiss steer, one of the most common dairy cattle to have ever come from the Alps.
While many want to eat this brilliant bovine, Laurie and Tommy's owner Fred Balawender say that they will never feed his beef on a platter. He has a kind disposition and has become a de-facto member of the family. They even plan on burying him in the backyard when he passes away!
It turns out that Tommy loves people and children, and enjoys a good scratch on the face from time to time. "He is always very aware of where my dad is and watches him intently whenever he is around," Laurie told Guinness World Records.
Biggest cow in the world: weight, height, and size
Standing more than six feet tall, Tommy is by far the tallest recorded cow alive today. Due to that immense height, there's no way to get Tommy into a cattle trailer and, therefore, no way to weigh this extraordinary creature. It's expected, though, that he runs onto the hundreds, if not thousands of pounds.
Meanwhile, it is also unclear what Tommy's exactly dimensions are. Sadly, Tommy's size doesn't come without its challenges – the poor bovine has issues with his hooves that need constant care and attention.
Tommy also has to eat around 30 pounds of dry grain and more than 75 pounds of hay, and drinks between 35 and 40 gallons of water each and every day. This must come at a huge expense to his owners, but let's be real, it's not such a surprise that a cow of this size needs so much food.
On a lighter note, Tommy is apparently a huge fan of apples, a habit he shares with his owner Fred Balawender, whose daughter said "will go to the market and spend all his money on apples."
Tallest living steer has a heartwarming story
Tommy's story began 13 years ago when he was born into the care of Fred Balawender and his daughter Laurie Cuevas. He has lived with them since he was only one day old, though they would never have expected him to reach the size that he did.
According to Laurie, Tommy and Fred were close from the start and always "had a special connection," making the bovine beast a "really large, well-loved pet" right from the start. The world's biggest cow was named after Tom Brady who, when Tommy was born, was still the quarterback for the New England Patriots.
Since then, Tommy has been loved and doted on by Fred. In return, Laurie says "Tommy's job is to keep [Fred] young and active, and he clearly takes his task seriously... It is worth noting that my dad is almost 80 and he still outworks most men half his age."
"The two of them are legendary, and I knew [that getting a world record] was a chance to capture them in history and share this wonderful pair with the world."
Big cows are absolutely adorable
Let's be real, most "big" animals aren't particularly cute and cuddly. Yet, somehow, all of this gets thrown out with the bath water when it comes to the humble cow. Specimens as big as Tommy are some of the sweetest and most adorable in the world. After all, he's big and broad and has a permanently dazed look on his funny face.
People should appreciate the cow more than they do. These are some remarkable animals and, despite being rather unintelligent, they are incredibly cute.
Tommy is the biggest cow in the world, but that's not his only claim to fame – seriously, don't you want to give this dude a hug?
Cover photo: Unsplash/Martin Bennie