A conservationist's joke has the internet reeling: why would someone adopt a hyena?

Bushtick, Zimbabwe - A TikToker named Gabriela had the internet reeling after joking about the baby hyena she and other wildlife rescuers are caring for! She joked that the puppy she ordered on Craigslist turned out to be a wild animal.

This hyena cub is causing anger and outrage on TikTok as commenters think the wild animal was adopted into a domestic situation.
This hyena cub is causing anger and outrage on TikTok as commenters think the wild animal was adopted into a domestic situation.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@user7936031421

While spending her summer volunteering at the Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage in Zimbabwe, 27-year-old Gabriella had the opportunity to help hand-rear an endangered brown hyena baby named Atlas.

After joking with family and friends about how much Atlas looks like a puppy, Gabriella posted a video of the young animal to TikTok with the subtitle: "POV: You bought a puppy on Craigslist and it turned out to be a baby hyena."

The clip went viral with over 40 million users seeing the clip. Thousands of commenters were very upset, however.

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Many didn't get the joke and thought that Gabriella had accidentally adopted a hyena by mistake!

"I don't have a big following and my friends just really enjoyed watching my African wildlife adventures, we laughed a bit that the tiny hyena could be mistaken for a puppy to an untrained eye – such as mine," the 27-year-old told Newsweek.

Rescuers hope to release baby hyena into the wild once he's older

Hopefully, rescuers will be able to release this baby hyena into the wild.
Hopefully, rescuers will be able to release this baby hyena into the wild.  © Screenshot/TikTok/@user7936031421

After the video went viral, the TikToker quickly shared an update explaining the joke and the real story.

This baby hyena didn't come from Craigslist. He was neglected by his mother at the rescue facility and is now being hand-raised by humans.

Eventually, staff members at Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage hope to release Atlas into the wild.

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Until then, he's getting around-the-clock care and his internet star status is raising awareness.

Brown hyenas like Atlas are endangered and there are only between 5,000 and 8,000 animals left in the wilderness of Angola, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, the Republic of South Africa, and Namibia

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@user7936031421

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